第四题: Reading:Operant conditioning的定义,大意为: Operant conditioning is to modify the occurrence and form of behavior by the use of consequences. Listening: 教授举例予以说明,说一个学生 always interrupts the professor’s lecture, by asking questions without raising hand. The professor punished him by taking his play time out, so in order to avoid the punishment, he changed his behavior. Professor praised him whenever he did things right way, by doing this to help him behave better. 第五题: 女生的遇到的问题是:和室友的schedule有冲突 (had some schedule conflicts with her roommate) 解决:1.调整自己的schedule,因为她室友的不能调了 (change her schedule, since there is no way for her roommate tochage in any way) 2.早起学习,利用白天学习(get up early and study in the day time) 3.到图书馆(go to the library ) 第六题: General Marketing: if company wants sell products which can be used by general public, they use TV or magazine to AD and let everybody can see the AD. Industrial Market: if company wants sell special products only for business or service, such as office furniture, they can use small scale marketing, like sales person. 另有写作部分: 写作 第一题: reading:讲一种垃圾处理系统,single-stream recycling system,给出3个disadvantages: 1. 容易给工作人员在处理的时候造成伤害 2.造成污染 3.成本太高 listening:否定了这些distanvatages 1.不容易造成伤害,因为工作人员经过了安全培训,并且有防护服 2.虽然有些污染,但是大大方便了垃圾的收集 3.虽然系统的成本高,但是operation cost大大降低。举例,truck的数量减少,人工成本也减少,总的来说是节省成本的 第二题: 是否同意与50年前相比,现在的小孩更不容易被父母理解