
www.zige365.com 2009-8-27 8:09:39 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  IBT听力中的暗示题,就是对段落中某一未明确表达的部分进行进一步地阐述。请注意,一般而言,暗示的意思在上下文中是不会被清楚地表达出来的,所以,暗示题实际上是测试理解“言外之意”的能力。在新托福听力部分,暗示题将占2至4个左右。暗示题的难度自然与问题中的情景是上下文中没有讨论过或发生过的。在做题的时候还应该特别留意同义词(synonyms) 和同音词(homophones)的干扰。
  暗示题的问句常常是以特殊疑问词开头的特殊疑问句, 例如: what, why…在回答此类问题的时候要特别注意:
  What does the professor imply?
  A: It’s a good book to read when you get up in the morning.
  B: It’s one of his favorite books.
  C: It’s a book that everyone should read.
  D: The book is likely to arouse your interests in the issues related to coffee.
  What does the professor mean when he says this?
  A: Napoleon asked for coffee when he was deposed.
  B: Napoleon was served a cup of coffee before his death.
  C: Napoleon loved coffee even to the last minute of his life.
  D: Napoleon was removed from the emperor’s seat because he drank too much coffee.
  What does the professor imply?
  A: It’s a good book to read when you get up in the morning.
  B: It’s one of his favorite books.
  C: It’s a book that everyone should read.
  D: The book is likely to arouse your interests in the issues related to coffee.
  What does the man probably mean?
  What does the man suggest/imply? 75tgb
  What does the woman want to know?
  What does the woman suggest the man to do?
  Why does ___ say ___?
  What does the man mean by___?
  1. 在做IBT听力中的暗示题的时候, 立足原文及谈话人的观点和态度,不能加入自己的主管判断和臆想
  2. 把握意思转折或话题转换后的部分.
  3. 还有就是要关注谈话人的语言色彩,如语气,语调和用词特点。比如:Professor: You’re probably right about xxx, but do you know how much this may cost? 话的前半部分教授对某一事情虽然表示出一定的妥协,但随后他话锋一转,指出:难道你们没有考虑过(干某事)的费用问题吗?言外之意:你们的边界我不支持!因为我老人家考虑问题比你们小年轻更全面一点, 你们没考虑钱的问题嘛。例如:
  Narrator: Listen again to part of the discussion. Then answer the question.
  Professor: Lengthy digressions on the role of coffee in the empire and exile of Napoleon---one of the deposed emperor’s last requests was for coffee…
  What does the professor mean when he says this?
  A: Napoleon asked for coffee when he was deposed.
  B: Napoleon was served a cup of coffee before his death.
  C: Napoleon loved coffee even to the last minute of his life.
  D: Napoleon was removed from the emperor’s seat because he drank too much coffee.
  该段材料的大致意思是拿破仑临终前的最后请求竟然事要一杯咖啡, 教授的潜台词即是: 生命不息, 咖啡不止, 这位伟人当然是 “咖啡党”的忠实成员.
  答案C 为正确选项.
  答案A: 弄错了要咖啡的时间, 坚决排除.答案B: 拿破仑确实是喝了咖啡(也有可能要了没喝着), 但教授的暗示意思呢?挖掘 “言外之意”才是正理儿, 予以排除.
  答案D: 拿破仑是因为咖啡喝太多才退位的吗?教授的话被完全曲解, 坚决排除.

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