
www.zige365.com 2009-12-24 0:17:19 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

The economic situation has also caused potential overseas students to worry about their chances of finding work after they graduate.

According to the 2010 Job Outlook report released earlier this month by the National Association of Colleges and Employers in the US, employers appear to be “very cautious” in their early plans for spring 2010 on-campus hiring. Less than one-third of employers say they have firm plans. That's down 22 percent from last year.

Think before you apply

As a result, Tu suggests applicants think clearly about what they want to get from an American study experience. “If you just want to broaden your mind and experience American culture and lifestyle, this is a good time to study in the US,” Tu said. “If you want to find a springboard for your future career, you must carefully choose a promising university, major and city.”

Tu suggests students obtain as much as they can, and take into consideration their family's financial situation, their personal interests and their future goals before making a decision

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 新托福考试辅导_ 07年北美热门职业
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