新托福考试_Protein Synthesis

www.zige365.com 2009-12-23 15:13:58 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

    The ribosome now slides down the mRNA, so that the tRNA in the A site moves over to the P site, and a new codon fills the A site. (One way to remember this is that the A site brings new amino acids to the growing polypeptide at the P site.) The appropriate tRNA carrying the appropriate amino acid pairs bases with this new codon in the A site. A peptide bond is formed between the two adjacent amino acids held by tRNA molecules, forming the first two links of a chain.

    The ribosome slides again. The tRNA that was in the P site is let go into the cytoplasm, where it will eventually bind with another amino acid. Another tRNA comes to bind with the new codon in the A site, and a peptide bond is formed between the new amino acid to the growing peptide chain.

    The process continues until one of the three stop codons enters the A site. At that point, the protein chain connected to the tRNA in the P site is released. Translation is complete.

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