
www.zige365.com 2009-12-22 22:39:14 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
        Note that the tension force, T, on each of the blocks is of the same magnitude. In any nonstretching rope (the only kind of rope you’ll encounter on SAT II Physics), the tension, as well as the velocity and acceleration, is the same at every point. Now, after preparing ourselves to understand the problem, we can begin answering some questions.
    1. What is the acceleration of mass M?
    2. What is the velocity of mass m after it travels a distance h?
    3. What is the work done by the force of tension in lifting mass m a distance h?
        1. What is the acceleration of mass M?
        Because the acceleration of the rope is of the same magnitude at every point in the rope, the acceleration of the two masses will also be of equal magnitude. If we label the acceleration of mass m as a, then the acceleration of mass M is –a. Using Newton’s Second Law we find:
        By subtracting the first equation from the second, we find (M – m)g = (M + m)a or a = (M – m)g/(M + m). Because M – m > 0, a is positive and mass m accelerates upward as anticipated. This result gives us a general formula for the acceleration of any pulley system with unequal masses, M and m. Remember, the acceleration is positive for m and negative for M, since m is moving up and M is going down.
        2. What is the velocity of mass m after it travels a distance h?
        We could solve this problem by plugging numbers into the kinematics equations, but as you can see, the formula for the acceleration of the pulleys is a bit unwieldy, so the kinematics equations may not be the best approach. Instead, we can tackle this problem in terms of energy. Because the masses in the pulley system are moving up and down, their movement corresponds with a change in gravitational potential energy. Because mechanical energy, E, is conserved, we know that any change in the potential energy, U, of the system will be accompanied by an equal but opposite change in the kinetic energy, KE, of the system.
        Remember that since the system begins at rest, . As the masses move, mass M loses Mgh joules of potential energy, whereas mass m gains mgh joules of potential energy. Applying the law of conservation of mechanical energy, we find:
        Mass m is moving in the positive y direction.
        We admit it: the above formula is pretty scary to look at. But since SAT II Physics doesn’t allow calculators, you almost certainly will not have to calculate precise numbers for a mass’s velocity. It’s less important that you have this exact formula memorized, and more important that you understand the principle by which it was derived. You may find a question that involves a derivation of this or some related formula, so it’s good to have at least a rough understanding of the relationship between mass, displacement, and velocity in a pulley system.

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