
www.zige365.com 2011-10-30 18:21:26 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  15. Ruth Anderson says she became an accountant because

  a. she wasn’t good enough to be an interpreter.

  b. she’d always been interested in maths.

  c. there were no other suitable jobs available at the time.

  d. it was a way of learning about business.

  16. What does Ruth say about accountancy in the second paragraph?

  a. client’s expectations of it are unrealistic.

  b. there is a shortage of people taking it up.

  c. people have the wrong impression of it.

  d. many applicants for it are under-qualified.

  17. In the third paragraph, Ruth says that when she’s at work she

  a. is sometimes too critical of the people she works with.

  b. doesn't’ always acknowledge the efforts her staff have made.

  c. is unwilling to ask for advice and suggestions from her team.

  d. isn’t’ always able to meet the deadlines imposed upon her.

  18. How does Ruth feel about the current business world?

  a. she thinks people are unwilling to take responsibility for their decisions.

  b. she get annoyed by the constant changes taking place.

  c. she’s pleased that it suits people like her.

  d. she believes people should be prepared to take more risks.

  19. On the subject of redundancy, Ruth says she

  a. would adopt a practical approach towards it.

  b. prefers not to have to think about it.

  c. is confident it wouldn’t happen to her.

  d. knows that finding another job would be easy.

  20. What do we learn about Ruth in the last paragraph?

  a. she was intimidated by the people on the course she attended.

  b. she disagreed with some of the methods she learnt on the course.

  c. she prefers dealing with customers to managing.

  d. she was disappointed with the results of her own role as a senior manager.

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