
www.zige365.com 2010-8-18 18:08:52 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Section A
Questions 36 - 40
 Read this book review.
 In most of the lines 36 – 40 there is one extra word which does not fit. One or two lines, however, are correct.
 If the line is correct, put a tick () in the space on your Answer Sheet.
 If there is an extra word in the line, write that word in the space on your Answer Sheet.

Most of the world's business in marine insurance is centred ……
in London though whatever there are other important markets …whatever…

Where and How to Raise Finance
A J McKeon
The search for capital often begins and ends with a bank manager, but
36. it doesn't need to be that way. A visit to the bank may be the first
37. step in a difficult hunt but it shouldn't to be the only one. Funding
38. arrangements are developing constantly and the number of sources
39. is growing up. This book is a comprehensive guide written in an
40. accessible format with the lists of possible sources and how to make the most of them.

 Read the text below about a conference.
 In most of the lines 36-40 there is one extra word which does not fit. One or two lines, however, are correct.
 If a line is correct, put a tick (√) in the space on your Answer Sheet.
 If there is an extra word in the line, write that word in the space on your Answer Sheet.
In order to meet the requirements of our customers and our Finance…… √ ……
Department, we have introduced to a new pricing policy …… to ……

September 18-20:
Russian Capital Markets and Investor Conference (Moscow)
A three-day conference has been arranged by Dow Jones Telerate and
36 the Wall Street Journal Europe. It will be look at the latest developments
37 in capital markets of the Russian Federation and prospects for
38 investment in key sectors and regions. Presentations that will be
39 given by government ministers, including the Deputy Prime Minister
40 of the Russian Federation, as well as too representatives from
the Central Bank, and Russian investment bankers.

Section A
Questions 36-40
 Read the advertisement below for a global telephone card.
 In most of the lines 36-40 there is one extra word which does not fit in. One or two lines, however, are correct.
 If a line is correct, put a tick (√) in the space on your Answer Sheet.
 If there is an extra word in the line, write that word in the space on your Answer Sheet.

Phoning is even the cheaper with our Global Calling Card.…the…
For further information call 0171 563879. …√…

Executives traveling internationally know all about the horrors of phoning
36 to home from abroad. They will be familiar with large hotel phone bills
37 and the problems involved in trying to find the right local coins
38 for the payphone or trying to communicate with foreign operators.
39 World Telecom knows all about these problems so it has been introduced
40 a charge card especially for to keep business travellers’ costs down.

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