
www.zige365.com 2010-8-18 18:03:53 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Questions 19-33
 Read the advice below abut how to make meetings more effective.
 Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page.
 For each question 19-33, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
 There is an example at the beginning, (0).

Many people feel that meetings are a complete (0) …… of time and try to avoid them. However, they don’t have to be, as long as a few rules are (19) ……

Meetings are very rarely held without at least one day’s (20) …… This is because the first rules is that all the participants need to (21) …… for the meeting, not just the Chair. Being asked to (22) …… a meeting means you are seen as having something to (23) …… , so make sure this is the case. You should also ensure that any item you want to discuss is put on the agenda. If you are planning to (24) …… an issue you know is difficult, find out before the meeting if you have any (25) …… for your point of view.

If you are the Chair, there are three other (26) …… rules. Firstly, respect your participants by being punctual, always starting and ending on time. If you don’t, they’ll spend the (27) …… meeting looking at their watches and wondering how late you’re going to (28) …… them. Secondly, (29) …… a meeting only when it is absolutely necessary. Look closely at what you want to (30) …… in the meeting. If your aim is to complete a task that requires (31) …… or no discussion, ask yourself whether e-mail or the phone could do the job. Finally, invite only as many people as are needed to get the job done. Don’t, however, exclude people who may be able to (32) …… the best ideas, just because of their (33) …… in the organization.

19. A. observed B. watched C. seen D. copied
20. A. instruction B. direction C. notice D. advice
21. A. prepare B. arrange C. order D. manage
22. A. occupy B. place C. attend D. enter
23. A. send B. transfer C. pass D. offer
24. A. launch B. raise C. bring D. lift
25. A. assistance B. protection C. confirmation D. support
26. A. chief B. key C. top D. high
27. A. entire B. absolute C. major D. contain
28. A. restrict B. limit C. keep D. contain
29. A. tell B. do C. make D. call
30. A. acquire B. achieve C. reach D. possess
31. A. small B. little C. tiny D. short
32. A. contribute B. subscribe C. insert D. serve
33. A. scale B. degree C. rank D. priority
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