E IT FACILITIES MANAGER We are a market-leading retail financial services group which has achieved dominance in a number of products, and we have exciting plans for future growth, with a direct effect on our IT requirements. We now need to appoint someone who is capable of carrying out a thorough review of all our IT services and representing the needs of IT to the board. The task of the appointee will be to significantly raise the profile of IT and add real value to the business. Responsibilities will include managing and motivating the IT department, the project management of new technology, and managing the IT budget and relationships with suppliers. Financial services experience, whilst desirable, is not essential. 小技巧:备选句中使用解释性的语言而相应的文章中出现技术性语言或“术语”。 反之亦然。 请指出重要词汇和表达中存在的“术语”。 小知识:招聘广告的通用格式。 使用所需职位或用人单位作为标题; 正文部分依次列出:所需职位;条件(详细);待遇(通常不祥); 其他情况 重要词汇和表达: Confidentiality; seniority; provision; outsourced; track record; keen; plus; Board; engineering; distribution; relocation package; audit; recognized; dominance; appointee; profile.