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Exercise Two


Part One


Question 1-12


You will hear a successful executive addressing a group of trainees on a business course. She is describing her job to them.


As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number.


You will hear the recording twice.


Her day:

1. The first problem is to find a ____________________________________________.

2. How many opportunities she has depends on how many _____________________ she is discussing.

3. Just before leaving the office she always ________________________________.



4. She meets dairy with her ____________________________________________.

5. The maximum length of these meeting is ____________________________.

6. Once a week she meets the ______________________________________.

7. They discuss _________________________________________________.

8. Once a month she gives a ____________ to her colleagues.

9. As preparation for this she has to ____________________ from various departments.



10. A qualification from the _____________________ is essential.

11. You also need a Maters in _____________________________________.

12. For this job, __________________________________ is the most important quality.


Part Two


Question 13-22


You will hear five different people talking about the meeting they’ve attended or are about to attend.


For each extract there are two tasks. For task one, choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H. for task two, choose the person the speaker is talking to from the list I-P.


Choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H.


Task One – Person Who Is Speaking


For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the people listed A-H.

For each extract, choose the person who is speaking.

Write one letter A-H next to the number of the extract.


13. ___                        A the personnel manager

14. ___                        B the training manager

15. ___                        C the managing director

16. ___                        D the manager of office supplies

17. ___                        E the marketing manager

F a temporary clerk

G the junior finance manager

H the finance director


Task Two – Who the Speaker Is Talking To


For question 18-22, match the extract with the person the speaker is talking to, listed I-P.

For each extract, choose the person the speaker is talking to.

Write one letter I-P next to the number of the extract.


18. ___                        I a manager in the same company

19. ___                        J a fellow passenger on the train to work

20. ___                        K a clerk in another department

21. ___                        L the staff in his / her department

22. ___                        M the participants at the meeting

N his wife / her husband

O a rather forgetful member of the department

P a representative from another company



Part Three


Questions 23 - 30


You will hear part of a conversation between two managers from different companies, a woman called Elizabeth and a man called Steven.


Choose the correct phrase to complete each sentence or answer the question.


23   Elizabeth says at the beginning that her company is

     A  planning to expand.

     B  small and not very rich.

     C  doing rather badly at the moment.

24   Steven thinks that his computer system

     A  is just as fast as the latest systems.

     B  is much faster than Elizabeth's present system.

     C  is completely different to the newest systems.

25   Steven believes that the real reason the computers in his company are being replaced is

     A  so that the business can move into the international market.

     B  because of a difference of opinion in his company.

     C  because their clients will like it.

26   Elizabeth thinks that the price Steven is asking

     A  includes the price of installation and servicing.

     B  is within the amount her company has budgeted for.

     C  is a perfectly reasonable price for the equipment.

27   Steven agrees that his company will

     A  install the system and pay part of the servicing costs.

     B  pay the costs of servicing for the first year.

     C  install and service the system.

28   Steven offers to train Elizabeth's staff to use the system, provided that

     A  the trainers go to Elizabeth's company.

     B  only a limited number of people receive training.

     C  Elizabeth's company doesn't try to compete with his.

29   How does Elizabeth's company differ from Steven's?

     A  It is likely to become larger than Steven's in the future.

     B  It is concerned only with a specialized area of the market.

     C  It has started to operate in more than one country.

30   What does Steven say about the chairs?

     A  He will have difficulty getting permission to include them.

     B  He will be able to give them to Elizabeth as part of the deal.

     C  It is unreasonable of Elizabeth to ask for them.

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