
www.zige365.com 2009-9-5 13:42:54 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

F: As soon as possible. I think we should try to put together new department budgets. Each department will then have set limits for their spending.
M: Yes. I'm sure that will help. Who would you specially like to have at the meeting?
F: Well, us, obviously. And can you make sure that the sales coordinator is available. And also the buildings manager? We'll need their input.
M: Sure. I'll get on to them. And I'll book the boardroom.
F: Oh, can you make sure that there'll be a laptop available there on the day. I'd like to show the figures for this year and last year.
M: No problem. I'll get back to you later to confirm the details.
F: Fine. Thanks.

Part II
13. Very useful indeed! The general manager and the research director showed us around their high-tech production unit and there was a presentation of some of the products they're planning. They're certainly coming up with plans for some innovative products. I'm fairly sure we can come to some agreement about working together on at least two of them, though there'll be some hard bargaining, I should think.
14. They were really excellent. The best group I've ever worked with. I was able to cover the theoretical ground very quickly and got to the practical stuff earlier than I'd expected. This meant that they had much more practice than other groups and won't need too much support from us, even in the initial stage of using the program.
15. They weren't easy, Mark. They were not easy! They asked us extremely detailed questions about our products and our ability to meet deadlines. In fact, at one point I thought we're going to have to withdraw because it looked as if we wouldn't be able to meet all their requirements. But then they made a number of concessions. In the end I think we've managed to get a good deal. Certainly it's the biggest contract I've been involved with.

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