
www.zige365.com 2009-9-5 13:06:01 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  Additional Installation

  Because a larger installation, including a more powerful central unit, would be necessary to handle the halls and stairways ,an additional $6 , 000 would be required for the equipment. ……11 …… If this additional work were delayed until a later time, a new central unit would be required along with changes in the pipe way ……12…… Summary

  The total job for the building would be about $ 35, 000 if done at one time. A two-stage installation would cost about $55 ,000. I can get official bids at your request.

  Example: A

  A As you suggested, we also sought information on the additional cost of air

  conditioning in the entrance halls and stairways.

  B All these three were in the $ 20,000 to $25,000 range.

  C This later installation would cost about $20,000.

  D However, class interruption should be minimal.

  E In the same way, each of these three would take at least one month.

  F Therefore ,the total cost was this $6 ,000 plus another $5,000.

  G Labour costs would be an additional S 5 ,000,bringing the total cost of the addition to $11 ,000.

  H Each faculty member could expect to have workers in the office for about one day.

  I So faculty members can continue their office work as usual.


  Questions 13-20.

  . Read this letter alert explanation of business problems , and answer the questions that follow.

  Williams and Co.

  54 Jermyn Street

  London SW 1Y 6LX

  July, 1993

  Manager of Export Sales

  Hilton Motorcycles Ltd.

  Fenley Works

  Dear Sir or Madam :

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