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  3. NBTel's Competitive telecommunications rates can help an employer realize annual savings of 25 percent and more. Lower property and commercial taxes ,Canada's second lowest electric power rates, and no business of salary taxes make. Saint John an ideal cost-saving location. In recent comparative studies to detemine the least expensive city center, Saint John ranked number one compared to 27 U. S. cities.

  4. Saint John means profitability and good business sense. To help companies considering business expansion or relocation ,the newly created Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission is ready to take an active role in your evaluation process. General manager Steve Carson says the Commission's role is simple :We're

  here to make it easier to set up or expand a business in Saint John.

  Questions 13-16

  . For questions 13-1 6,choose the correct title for each paragraph from the box below.

  . For each paragraph (1-4)mark one letter (AG) on your Answer Sheet.

  . Do not mark any letter twice.

  13. Paragraph 1 ……

  14. Paragraph 2 ……

  15. Paragraph 3 ……

  16. Paragraph 4 ……

  A. Low living cost

  B. Good traffic and telecommunication services

  O. Sanit John's cheap rents

  D. Two classes of rents

  E. The number one expensive city center

  F. Encouragement for new business activities

  G. Good business sense

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2009剑桥商务英语高级(BEC3)冲刺模拟试题 (五)
剑桥商务英语高级(BEC3)冲刺模拟试题 (四)
剑桥商务英语高级(BEC3)冲刺模拟试题 (三)