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The business Master Class

  Arrangements for participants

  1 The event will take place over

  2 Seminar organized by

  3 The title of the last session will be

  4 To use the New City Hotel car park, delegates must obtain a

  Dr Sangalli

  5 Dr Sangalli has advised many

  6 The name of his consultancy is

  7 He is the author of

  8 In Europe, he is the best-known The Business Master Class

  9 to become more

  10 to establish new

  Two outcomes of session:

  11 design your own

  12 take away documents containing actual

  Part two

  Questions 13-22

  ●You will here five different business people talking about trips they have recently been on.






  A to supervise staff training

  B to hold job interviews

  C to introduce new policy

  D to visit possible new premises

  E to observe working practices

  F to meet a new manager

  G to sign a new contract

  H to deal with a complaint

  Task two-problem

  ●For question 18-22, match the extracts with the problem, listed A –H

  ●For each extract, choose the problem described

  ● write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract






  A I forgot a document

  B My hotel was noisy

  C I was late for meeting.

  D I didn‘t understand some figures.

  E The service at my hotel was bad.

  F I had some wrong information

  G I didn‘t have an interpreter.

  H I experienced computer problems.


  Question 23-30.

  ●You will hear part of a conversation between a management consultant and the Human Resources manager of Jenkins, a company which manufactures children‘s clothing.

  23 What is said about the ownership of Jenkins?

  A the founder has sold the company to someone else.

  B Jenkins has merged with another company

  C There has been no change of ownership.

  24 What does the Human Resources manager see as the main external threat to Jenkins?

  A Their retailers are becoming less willing to pay their prices.

  B Consumers are buying more top-of-the-range children‘s clothes.

  C More and more companies are producing children‘s clothes.

  25 The Human Resources manager sees the company‘s main strength as the fact that

  A It has several long-term contracts

  B it makes products of high quality

  C its distribution system is efficient

  26 The Human Resources manager believes that Jenkins‘ main weakness at present is that

  A the machinery is inadequate for current requirements

  B the management style is out of line with modern demands

  C the relation between management and workers are poor.

  27 According to the Human Resources manager, why do many machinists choose to leave?

  A They think that they can get better paid work elsewhere.

  B They feel that too much is expected of them

  C They lack confidence in the company‘ future

  28 When working to produce a batch of clothes

  A each team is responsible for a particular operation

  B each member of the team produces a complete item

  C each person carries out one part of the production process

  29. What change has been made to range of goods?

  A A smaller number of items is produced

  B Each item is now made in smaller quantities.

  C Fewer new styles are introduced each year.

  30 What is said about the machinists?

  A More of their work is falling below the required standard.

  B Some of them are earning less than they used to.

  C They have to spend longer learning to operate new machines.

  That is the end of the Listening test. You now have ten minutes to transfer your answers

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