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7、Market Research: the importance of doing market research before launching a new product 
Sales: How to sell a product effectively in international markets 
  Product Promotion: the importance of selecting appropriate members of staff to attend exhibitions 
Communication: the importance in business of maintaining contact with clients 
Public Relations: the importance of adequate supervision and training of staff who deal with the public 

  8、Management: How to run a meeting successfully 
  Transport Management: the importance to a business of an efficient public transport system 
Any distribution of products from producers to wholesalers or from wholesalers to retailers requires transportation. The cost of transporting some products can exceed the cost of producing them. An efficient form of transportation can result in higher costs and lower profits for the firm. For each form of transportation, firms should estimate timing, cost, and availability. This assessment allows the firm to choose an optimal method of transportation. The most common forms of transportation used to distribute products are truck, rail, air, water, pipeline. 
  Transport Management: the importance of using environmentally friendly means of transport whenever possible 

  9、Health & Safety 
  Employee Safety: Firms ensure that the workplace is safe for employees by closely monitoring the production process. Some obvious safety precautions are to check machinery and equipment for proper working conditions, require safety glasses or any other equipment that one can prevent injury, and emphasize any special safety precautions in training seminars. 
  Firms that create a safe working environment prevent injuries and improve the morale of their employees. Many firms, such as Allied Signal, now identify workplace safety as one of their main goals. Levi Strauss and Company imposes safety guidelines not only its U.S. facilities but also on Asian factories where some of its clothes are made. Starbucks Coffee Company has developed a code of conduct in an attempt to improve the quality of life in coffee-producing countries. 

  10、Life Skills: the importance of being able to cope with stress in a job 
  Technology: the importance of training staff in how to use new technology when introducing it into the workplac

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