
www.zige365.com 2009-8-7 10:24:05 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  When selling products online and shipping them sight-unseen, a certain ___ 1_ __ of returns is inevitable. In fact, they're also inevitable at brick-and-mortar stores,___ 2 ___ a customer can touch, feel, smell and try on the merchandise ___3___ making a selection. At Sky Mall Inc, product returns are anticipated and ___4___ with ease. The company, which has eight years of merchandising experience ___ 5 ___ selling premium merchandise from participating merchants via catalog and online,__ _6__ _ proven itself through effective and simple ordering, fulfillment, customer service __ _7_ __ returns. “ We built a successful business on those practices before taking our products ___ 8 ___ the Internet, ” says Robert M.Worsely, president and CEO. In every printed catalog and on its Web site, Sky Mall guarantees ___ 9 ___ customer satisfaction with a 60-day “ no questions asked ” return policy combined ___ 10 ___ a best-price guarantee.
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  The year 2000 has been tough for online retailers. Changes in the market have driven many sites out of business, and many others are only barely surviving. The holidays, promising GREatly increased sales, offer hope for many e-commerce sites. The good news for retailers is that the holiday market will grow; this year's holiday sales are predicted to be 66% higher than last year's.
  In a year when over half the U.S. population has access to the Internet, e-commerce sites can expect dramatic increases in site traffic before the holidays. Forrester Research predicts $10 billion in holiday revenues, and Jupiter forecasts the U.S. holiday market as $12 billion. Gartner Group predicts $10.7 billion in North American holiday sales and worldwide sales of $19.5 billion.
  While revenue estimates vary, it's clear that Holiday 2000 will be big for e-commerce. Customers will shop online this holiday season for convenience; by shopping online, customers avoid crowds, transportation hassles, and inconvenient store hours. One customer commented in our tests that she would shop online “ to avoid the hassle of going to different stores. ”
  Despite the eager shoppers and the predictions of a big holiday season, there is bad news for online retailers: the e-commerce industry is losing billions of dollars in potential sales. Shoppers want to purchase online, but many sites make it too hard to buy.
  To gain the most from the holiday season, sites must pursue a simple strategy: improve the customer experience. Improving the customer experience can yield an additional $8 billion in North American sales, and $14 billion in worldwide online sales this holiday season.
  According to Gartner Group projections, worldwide online revenues for the holiday season will be $19.5 billion.
  In our consumer tests of major sites across key holiday categories, we found that 43% of buying attempts failed. These findings suggest that the $19.5 billion represent only 57% of potential sales this holiday season.
  Lost sales due to poor customer experience thus total more than $14 billion: · $34.2 billion - $19.5 billion=$14.7 billion.
  It is worth noting that our $14 billion does not include future losses due to poor experience this holiday season. Millions of consumers will shop online for the first time this holiday season. If they have a good experience, they are likelyto continue shopping on their favorite sites in the future. If they have a bad experience, they will likely never return to the sites where they were unable to buy(if indeed they return to shop online at all).The actual losses due to poor customer experience may thus be significantly higher than our $14 billion estimate.

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