
www.zige365.com 2009-8-7 10:19:50 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Read the artice beow about a very expensive new perfume.
  For each question 31-40, write one word in CAPITA ETTERS on your Answer Sheet .
  There is an exampe at the beginning, (0)
  Sweet sme of excess-for just £ 47.874 a botte
  The marketing says it is the “ utimate symbo of indugence and truy impeccabe taste”. A new scent, named V1, has (0) aunched for Christmas-retaiing at just £47.874 . The makers are proudy promoting it (31) ,the “ word’s most expensive perfume” and are confident of seing the imited edition of 173 bottes-(32) it shoud be exacty 173 bottes is not made cear in the pubicity for the product.
  Athough carefuy priced at just under the £50.000 mark, this perfume is ceary (33) something for anyone who considers £30 too much to pay for a botte of eau-de-toiette. Those (34) are potentia customers wi certainy be reassured to earn that a case covered in rubies and diamonds is incuded free (35) charge. Purchasers are assured of further savings, with unimited scent refis guaranteed indefinitey- at no extra cost.
  The fragrance is the idea of Arfaq Hussain, a 27-year-od cothes designer who first made a name (36) himsef with an air-conditioned jacket he was asked to make by the singer Michae Jackson (37) far, Mr Jackson is the ony person to (38) paced an order- he wants two, according to Mr Hussain.
  Mr Hussain is unconcerned at having no previous experience of perfumery . “ It’s so (39) more than a perfume ---- it’s a piece of jeweery, too. “ “ expained Mr Hussain. He attempted to describe the £47.874 sensation . “ it is deicate , fragrant and quite unique. When you open the id, it takes you totay away . It’s just (40) being surrounded by thousands of wid fowers and roses.
  Read the text beow about team-based pay
  In most of the ines 41 - 52 there is one extra word. It is either grammaticay incorrect of does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some ines, however,are correct .
  If a ine is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.
  If there is an extra word in the ine ,write the extra word in CAPITA ETTERS on your Answer Sheet .
  The exercise begins with two exampes, (0) and (00) .
  Team-Based Pay
  0 Team-based pay schemes that have been catching the eye of modern empoyers.
  00 Supporters say that they encourage group endeavour and improve 41 organizationa performance. But saespeope, typicay the most sef-motivated
  42 of workers, they have traditionay been rewarded according to individua
  43 performance. So are team-based schemes suitabe ? The key issue is
  44 whether team-based pay is more being in ine with the organization’s objectives
  45 than pay which based on individua achievement. Introducing a team pay
  46 scheme can be compex. The biggest probem is for defining the team in the first
  47 pace. Another is that team pay schemes won’t work if the actions Of one
  48 individua make no impact on those of another. You shoud need a true team.
  49 ike a footba team. Where a the members are interdependent. When saes staff
  50 can be ess receptive to team pay schemes because persona motivation can
  51 be an important boost to performance What they need is their encouragement
  52 to perceive that the wider term of the company overa : production, administration and dispatch a affect each other.

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