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Unit 11
Letter writing
1. Listening
First read the letters below. Then listen to the three telephone calls. As you listen, match the telephone calls with the letters.

Letter A: Telephone call ____________

Dear George
Just a wste following our call. Sorry I couldn’t lay my hands on the address at the time. I’ve not found it:
Hotel Celeste
5120 Italy
Tel: (020) 3981 6582
See you soon and best wishes to the family.

Letter B: Telephone call ___________

29 January 199-

Mr. R James
T F Consultancy
29 Lower Village Rd
LondonSE17 2ST

Reference: Financial Consultancy Contract

Dear Mr. James
We would be grateful if you could send us a quotation for the above-mentioned contract. Details of the contract are attached.
Since the work is due to start in December, we would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely
J Fish
J Fish
Corporate Finance Manager
22 The Close Hanworth Middlesex TW13 5TB
Tel: 081 899 3642 Fax: 081 899 3644

Letter C: Telephone call _________

16 Transom Way
Cambridge CB2 5RM
1 February 199-
Ms C. Johnston
Falton Designs
11 The Narows
London E17

Subject : Post of Office Manager

Dear Ms Johnston
Further to our telephone call this morning. I am writing to inform you of my availability for the above post.
I am now free to take up the post from 1 April this year.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully
Edward Bronson
Edward Bronson

Listening Task
Call 1
A: I’m phoning a bout the letter I wrote to you.
B: Just a moment, I’ll get it ... the one dated 15 November?
A: That’s right. I asked for a quotation for a consultancy contract in December.
B: Yes, I see. Haven’t we replied to it?
A: No, and as I said in the letter, we need it urgently.
B: Right, I’m sorry. I don’t know why this has happened. I’ll get back to you this afternoon.

Call 2
A: I’m phoning a bout the job advertised in The Times for the post of Office Manager.
B: Yes, have you put your application in writing?
A: Yes, I sent in my application two weeks ago.
B: Fine, then you’ll be hearing from us in the near future.
A: I realize that. I just wanted to let you know my availability.
B: Right, go ahead.
A: Well, I can start the job from the beginning of April.
B: Right, I’ll make a note of that but can you put it in writing?
A: Yes, of course. I’ll get a letter in the post today.

Call 3
A: You know that hotel you recommended in your last letter?
B: Yes, you mean the one in Southern Italy?
A: Right. Well I’ve lost the letter and I wanted to book in for a couple of weeks this summer.
B: Just a moment, I’ll see if I can find the address… I’m sorry I can’t find it.
A: Doesn’t matter. Could you drop me a line?
B: Of course. I’ll do that later this week.
A: Great. Nice talking to you. Bye.
B: Bye.

2. Presentation
Business letters typically contain the following features (although they may not all appear in the same letter):
# opening and closing greetings
# stating the reference at the beginning of the letter
# requesting
# explaining the reason for writing
# thanking
# enclosing documents
# apologizing
# expressing urgency
# confirming
# ending the letter
Here is some of the language typical of business letters.

2.1 Opening and closing greetings
If you don’t have a contact name:
Dear Sir or Madam:
Yours faithfully
If you know the name of the person:
Dr Mr. Jones
Yours sincerely
If you know the person as a friend or close business colleague:
Dear James
Best wishes/Regards

2.2 Stating the reference at the beginning of the letter
You can start with either:
Subject: ______________
Reference: ____________
Re: _______________
Or an expression like:
With reference to…
I thank you for your letter of 1 July.
Further to our telephone conversation,…

2.3 Requesting
I would be grateful if you could…
I would appreciate it if you could…
Could you please…? (more informal)

2.4 explaining the reason for writing

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