
www.zige365.com 2009-8-10 14:33:17 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
4. The discount will be bigger if you order over1000 units.
5. The reference number should be at the top of the page.
6. He will/is going to ring you up before noon tomorrow.

Key to Exercises-B
1. We expect sales will be roughly the same next year, although we will be starting a large-scale promotion in March.
2. Perhaps we can boost sales to 300000 next year.
3. We do not expect that sales will be as high as last year.
4. I have se the sales target slightly lower, at 600000.
5. Next year we intend to launch a new product and we are sure sales will take off very quickly.

Key to Translation
We are not going to push Auto Model 9211 any longer, since we will launch Model 9811 next year, which will boost sales. We estimate in three years’ time Model 9811 will replace Model 9211. And we intend to stop production on the 9211 within two years. The 9811, at a price only 10% to 15% higher than the 9211, boasts much better performance. Thus we keep a forecast figure of 9811 at 50000 next year. This may be a little optimistic, but we believe we can make it. By that time, total sales would have recovered to the level of 1995 and might take off very soon.

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