
www.zige365.com 2009-8-10 14:31:50 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Key to Exercises-A
1. We need to define a new strategy which must take account of changing market conditions.
2. If we reduce prices, our margins will be lower and that will cut profits.
3. I think we should go for higher profitability.
4. If we can upgrade the product, we’ll get higher prices and therefore higher profits.
5. In the market of everyday consumer commodities, if we increase prices, whatever the quality is, sales will drop badly.
6. If we can reduce costs, that must put us in a better position to adapt to the market.
Key to Exercises-B
1. If Weald’s products are not well advertised, their sales will fall.
2. We will consider using another supplier if our supplier stops our discount.
3. We will look for a replacement if the speaker can’t come to the conference.
4. I will book another airline if the FCA flights is cancelled.
5. There will be a drop in revenue if our market share decreases suddenly.
6. If the value of the pound falls our exports will be more competitively priced.
Key to Exercises-C
1. If the parts arrive on time, production will start immediately.
2. I will have time to talk, if you call tomorrow.
3. If you increase the order, I can lower the price.
4. We will arrive too late, if we don’t leave soon.
5. If we take quality control seriously, standards will improve.
6. If they promise to deliver on time, we can be sure they will.
7. If you tell me your arrival time, I will meet you at the airport.
Key to Translation
Taking account of the recession of the European economy and the stagnant market in these days, Christmas Decor Co. have decided to define a new strategy. To gain greater market share, they decide to lower prices for some products, such as wooden angels and bronze bells. Meanwhile, to guarantee profits, they will cut unit costs. In addition, to better adapt to the market conditions, they are going to develop some new decorations and to upgrade the products by using advanced technology. In so doing they will put themselves in a strong position to go for higher profitability.

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