
www.zige365.com 2009-8-10 14:28:09 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
2.  We should increase the figure by at least 5%.
3.  I think the marketing budget should stay the same.
4.  If we reduce the figure for marketing, that will allow us to increase the budget for research.
5.  The Marketing Department has got a big launch mid-year.
6.  Having spent so much last year, the Production Department ought to manage with/on less this year.
7.  A small cut in the production budget means we could increase the research figure.
8.  By spending less on the after-sales side, they might save a bit.
9.  To spend more on sales is out of the question.
Key to Exercises-B
1.  can/could
2.  might
3.  can
4.  should/ought to
Key to Translation
A: Since next year’s budget could be increased by at least 5%, let’s discuss it in details. We have four major expenses. Let’s see for which we should budget more, for which less.
B: Last year, Production got a big launch and could manage with less this year. The Sales Department is going to launch a new automobile next year, so we’d better let their budget stay the same, without any reduction.
C: The Research and Development needs a good figure because only better performance can lead to higher sales.
B: I’m afraid After-sales also needs more money. If there was complaint after complaint, we would be in a very poor situation. However, the figure shouldn’t be too high since it means less money for other departments. Let’s say 2%.
A: What! 2% more on the after-sales side? That’s out of the question, I am afraid!

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