
www.zige365.com 2009-7-22 14:51:57 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  Question 46
  You have received a fax from a customer who in the fax complained that he had received 100 GREen colour bicycles instead of 50 green and 50 blue colour bicycles. In order to solve the problem and find out the facts ,you write a short note to the warehouse.
  . Write a short note to Mr. Randy Simon ,who is in charge of delivering goods from warehouse.
  . Tell him about the claim.
  . Mention the date of delivery.
  . Ask for the duplicate invoice. .
  . Write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.
  Question 47
  you work for Alla ,a shop which sells upmarket clothing. You are asked to find a way to increase the profits of your shop.
  Read the following figure showing the results of a survey of two upmarket specialty shops.
  Point A refers to your shop. Point B refers to Betty Fashion shop ,your main competitor, near your shop.
  . Use the figure to write a report (about 100- 120 words)recommending ways of improving the quality and pricing of your shop.
  . Write on your Answer Sheet.
  Questions 10-12
  . You will hear three face to face conversations.
  . Write down one word or number in the numbered spaces on the forms below.
  Message One. Questions 1 -4
  Application Form
  Name : Sally King Sex : Female
  Age : ( 1 )...Address : (2 ) ...Forest Road
  Contact No: 981 . 332 . 981
  Experience : sold books door to door for (3)...Publishing
  Applying for: 8 : 00 to 8 : 30 on Monday, (4)...Friday morning
  Message Two. Questions 5-8 .
  Data: 1st Sept. Time: 10:10
  Name: (5)... Sex: M
  Passport Number : 76689158
  Room No : (6)...
  Staying Time : 17th Sept (7) ...Sept.
  Price Rate : (8) ...
  Message Three. Questions 9- 1 2
  Ticket Booking Card
  Name: (9)...Sex: male
  Nationality : (10) ...
  Passport No : 8469703
  Flight No : Flight (11) ...
  Destination : (12) ...
  Date : 7th June Time : 2 : 50pm.

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