
www.zige365.com 2009-4-28 10:38:05 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  Question 46
  the staff in your office decided to spend holidays together this year. While reading the new you are attracted by the advertisement of the Grand Palazzo Hotel in Italy. No one in your office has ever been to Italy. So you want your secratary to contact the hotel through telephone.
  Write a short message to Ms. Emily Malan ,your secretary.
  Suggest the Visit to Italy.
  Give the hotel telephone number to her.
  Ask her to contact with that hotel.
  write 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.
  Question 47
  You work for Global institute inc. , which produces softwares. You are responsible for Quality Management System.
  Study the following graph which shows the effort taken by your company and IBI Inc , your main competitor. In the graph ,the Quality Management is divided into five parts.
  Use the information in the graph to write a short report (about 100 120 wards) suggesting ways of improving the quality management of your company.
  Write on your Answer Sheet.
  Questions 1-12
  You will hear three face to face conversations.
  Write down one word or number in the numbered spaces on the forms below.
  Message One. Questions 1-4
  Ordering List
  Table No : 3
  Name of Customer : Mr.
  Dishes : Drink 2 bottles of beer.
  Main Dishes : Chicken with red (3 )...
  (4 ) ...beef...
  stewardess No. 10 Service Time : 6 : 30pm
  Message Two. Questions 5-8
  Name : Lilian . (5)...Open Date : 3rd ,Feb.
  Account Type : (6)...account
  Deposit Amount : (7) ...
  Message Three. Questions 9- 1 2
  Immigration Registration
  Flight No : JH21 2
  Arrival Time : 11:40
  Name : Helen Robbinson
  Passport No : 72931831
  Purpose of Visit : (9) ...
  Temporary Staying Place : mainly with (10) ...
  Staying Period : about (11) ...months
  Leaving Date : 15th ,(1 2 ) ...
  Questions 13-22
  Section One
  Questions 13-17
  You will hear five short pieces.
  For each piece decide what the speaker is talking about.
  Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the piece.
  You will hear the five pieces twice.
  1 3...
  1 4...
  1 5...
  1 6...
  l 7...
  A catalogues
  B boxes
  C books
  D GREeting cards
  E radio programmes
  F weather
  G TV programmes
  H cars
  Section Two
  Questions 18-22
  You will hear another five short pieces.
  For each piece decide who is talking.
  Write one letter (AH) next to the number of the piece.
  You will hear the five pieces twice.
  A a librarian
  B a stewardess
  C a taxi-driver
  D a waitress
  E an investment counselor
  F a news broadcaster
  G an electrician
  H a pilot
  Questions 23-30
  You will hear a talk given by a senior economist of Germany. He talks about the German economic
  policy-M3 and its real effect on German economy.
  You have to complete the sentences (23-30) by choosing the correct ending.
  Mark one letter (A ,B or C).
  23. M3 means
  A limiting money supply.
  B Wide-ranged money supply.
  C exporting government bonds.
  24. the Bundesbank is going to
  A increase the money supply.
  B abandon the strong money supply.
  C raise the interest rates.
  25. Kiel institute of World Economics has found the evidence for
  A short-term fluctuation of demand for money following German unification.
  B long-run relationship between money supply growth and inflation.
  C stable long-run demand for money.
  26. Money supply growth will .
  A help increasing the government bonds.
  B increase the public debt.
  C help financing of government debt.
  27. Explanation of excessive money supply from the Bundesbank representatives is based on
  A the fact that monetary capital GREw at a lower rate.
  B the shifts between money and money capital. .
  C the expansion of credit which has been driving money supply growth.
  28. the speaker worries about the money supply because
  A it is used in productive capacity.
  B it is used mainly in machinery and equipment.
  C it is used in bousing constriction and consumption.
  29. Bank credit rising is mainly caused by
  A money supply.
  B public debt.
  C German domestic savers.
  30. Internal liabilities are increased in mainly by
  A big investment.
  B office consumption.
  C finance transfers to East Germany.(附参考答案)

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