
www.zige365.com 2009-3-20 10:28:53 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  In our tests, problems with the checkout process were the greatest cause of failed purchase attempts. More than 40% of failures were due to difficulty with checkout. Customers had found a product they wanted, added it to their cart and decided to place an order. They were ready to buy and wanted to pay. Unfortunately, the checkout process was too difficult and made it impossible for them to buy.
  There were several different types of problems that arose in the checkout process.The most important lesson is that poor checkout experience will cost the industry billions in holiday sales.
  1.Compared with last year's holiday sales, this year's will be ______.
  A. lower B. twice lower
  C. higher D. twice higher
  2.Forrester Research, Jupiter and Gartner Group all suggest that in 2000 ______.
  A. holiday sales for e-commerce sites in every part of the world will increase a lot
  B. holiday sales for e-commerce sites in every part of the world will decrease a lot
  C. holiday sales for e-commerce sites in some parts of the world will increase a lot
  D. holiday sales for e-commerce sites in some parts of the world will decrease a lot
  3.By shopping online, people can avoid ______.
  A. traffic jams B. crowds
  C. getting up early D. both A and B
  4.It is implied by the author that ______.
  A. it is difficult to buy things on some sites
  B. it is difficult to buy things on all sites
  C. it is easy to buy things on all sites
  D. it is easy to buy things on few sites
  5.If sites made it easier to shop and buy, sites' actual income would ______.
  A. be the same B. decrease a lot
  C. increase a little D. increase a lot
  6.The e-commerce industry is losing much money in potential sales BECause ______.
  A. people are not familiar with many sites
  B. about half of the buying attempts fail
  C. many people don't have the access to the Internet
  D. there is too much competition from traditional business
  7.e-commerce sites can earn more money from the holiday season by _______.
  A. improving the customer experience
  B. forming valid identification
  C. advertising widely
  D. providing more content
  8.Problems with ______ were the chief cause of failed buying attempts.
  A. electronic signature B. the checkin process
  C. the checkout process D. registration
  9.What attitude does the author hold when describing the sites' loss of revenue?
  A. Emotional B. Objective
  C. Critical D. Pessimistic
  10.Which of the following techniques is most used in the text?
  A. Exemplification B. Definition
  C. Comparison D. Contrast

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