
www.zige365.com 2009-3-20 10:07:28 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  Key to Exercises-B
  1. Two strangers are trying to find topics of common interest.
  2. How do you find London?
  3. Which hotel are you staying in?
  4. Have you found time to see much in New York?
  5. Unfortunately, I can only stay a couple of weeks in China.
  6. Our company is setting up an office in Tokyo.
  7. Where is your company based?
  8. That is a coincidence! I'm also a designer.
  Key to Exercises-C
  分析:1和2担的总是都有些唐突,特别是2显得不太礼貌,对方心里也许会说"it's none of your business."[不关你的事]3是从谈论天气开场,这在许多场合都是可以用的。
  Key to Exercises-D
  答案:B 没有为推动谈话做积极的努力,只是被动地回答问题。A在尽力找话题以避免沉默,但B的配合很不够。一问一答的对话是很难进行下去的,除非是在面试或审讯。
  A:Are you going to New York too?
  B:Yes. I'm going there on business. What about you?
  A:Me too. Our Company is setting up an office in New York?
  B:I see. So you must have been to New York several times.
  A:yes. Is it your first trip to America?
  B:Right. I'd like some advice from you.
  Key to Translation
  In the lounge of a trade fair, two strangers start talking.
  A:Is this your first visit to the trade fair?
  B:Yes, hopefully not my last.
  A:Have you find time to see all the exhibits?
  B:Well, I've just seen Chinese silk.
  A:Are you interested in it?
  B:Yes. Actually I'm a silk importer.
  A:Really? That's a coincidence. My factory produces high quality silk.
  B:Good. Let's fix a time to see the samples. Where is your factory based?
  A:In Suzhou. I can show you around.

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