(A)CASE STUDIES IN ORGANISATIONALBEHAVIOUREds. Derek Fawcett and Alan Sparrow This book draws on a variety of genuine cases, setting both European and global contexts. It includes contributions from many business managers to ensure an accurate picture of practical approaches to the subject. Suitable both for practicing managers and for teachers of management students, Case Studies in Organizational Behavior presents an up-to-date selection of business cases in an easy-to-use format. Also available is a video in which a number of the most valuable cases in the book are presented |
(B)INTRODUCTION TO WORK PSYCHOLOGY2nd Edition Dr.J. Otis-Lavalle The aim of this established text is to examine the contribution of psychology to our understanding of human behavior at work. The text covers issues such as selection, training, motivation and job satisfaction. It is particularly aimed at those training to be managers in the areas of staff development and human resources but offers insight for anyone employed in this area. The first edition of the book was chosen as Training Book of the Year in 1994 and the new edition has been updated to make it even more accessible. |
(C)HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGENENT:AINTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVEProfessor Ella Schoonhoven This is the first book to look at the theory and use of management techniques in every major industrial country. This survey of modern management methods is unequalled in its scope and is destined to become classic among modern management texts. Professor Schoonhoven describes the application of HRM techniques in Europe, in United States and the Far East, comparing and contrasting the approach of each business culture. She also includes a chapter on the emerging economies of Eastern Europe and Asia.
(D)PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES FOR MODERMANGERSDirk Bolatt, Michael Terry and Dr. Yu Luan Published last year, this is becoming the essential text for production managers in industrial companies. More than a guide, this text explains the thinking behind recent changes in work methods and encourage managers to practice approaches to production. The authors, who have themselves all had experience in production as well as teaching and research, cover both the well-known techniques and others which have received less attention but which have been developed by leading firms in global process technology. |
(E)ORGANISATION AND CULTOUREDr. Andrew Green In an international business world, the contemporary manager deals with people from a variety of backgrounds and cultures. Often simple differences can obstruct communication: the international manager needs to be sensitive to these differences in order to be truly effective. Andrew Green’s fascinating and amusing book guides you through the potential mistakes which contrasting culture way in which major cultural groups handle each of these aspects. This is a book to keep with you every time you travel. Easy to read and full of hints, it may prove to be the difference between international success and disaster. |
Genuine; context; approach; format; motivation; insight; accessible; be destined to; HRM; contrast; emerging; innovative; obstruct;