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49 you, for example, to do an evening class in the cake decorating, there could be
50 assistance if you are planning to update on your internet skills. There is also
51 the opportunity to benefit in future years from 20 per cent off the cost of training
52 for IT courses, the discount goes up to 80 per cent , a measure of the government’s
Enthusiasm in ensuring we are prepared for the digital world.

Writing 1 hour 10 mimutes
Part one
Question 1
●The bar charts below show levels of wheat production and wheat prices in a European country for the period 1990-2000.
●Using the information from the bar charts, write a short report summarizing the changes in production and prices between 1990 and 2000.
●write 120-140 words.
Wheat production and prices

Part two:
●Write an answer to one of the question 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.
Question 2
● You have recently attended the following one-day courses:
Developing Your Potential
Trends in Electronic Commerce
Managing People
Reducing Costs
 Your company’s training Manager has asked you to write a short report about the training.
●Write the report for the Training Manager:
.describing the two courses which you found most useful
.explaining how you benefited from them
.outlining the specific training courses your would like to attend next year
.giving reasons why these courses would be useful to you

Question 3
● Your manager has asked you to contact a local business school, inviting their students to apply for a three-month work placement in your company.
●Writing a letter to the Principal of the business school:
.introducing your company and the idea of the placement
.describing what work the placement would involve
.explaining what skills and qualities the successful applicant should have saying how the placement would benefit the applicant.

Question 4
● The Sales Director of your company wants to improve customer service and believes that this can be achieved by extending the opening hours of the Sales Department. He has asked you to write a proposal concerning improvements in customer service.
Write a proposal for the Sales Director:
. ● sumnmarising current problems concerning customer service
. ●evaluating the Sales Director’s suggestion
. ●presenting one or two other measures which could be taken
. ●giving reasons for your preferred course of action.

approximately 40 minutes (including 10 minutes’ transfer time)
Part one:
Question 1-12
●You will hear a consultant giving a talk to a group of UK business people about exporting to the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
.● As you listen, for questions 1-12. complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.
.●After you have listened once, replay the recording

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