IV. 便函写作 一、什么是便函 简单地说,便函就是指在同一家机构内从一个人或一个部门传递到另一个 人或部门的书面信息,内容是要在当天或近期内所要办理的事情。 二、便函写作的格式 便函通常包含以下几个部分: 1. 公司名称; 2. 公司的电话号码或传真号码; 3. 收函人姓名(和职位)To: 4. 留言人姓名(和职位)From: 5. 留言日期Date: 6. 便函主题Subject(Re): 7. 正文 下面我们选择两则便函为例,结合我们刚刚讲到的有关便函的知识,给大家做一个具体的讲解。 例一: Ace Electronics Tel/Fax: 0525 228910 22/7/99 To: M. Jones From: J. Banks I need to hire a car for the day to get me to the exhibition on 14th of next month. Can you book one? You can use my credit card. I don't think it matters what kind of car it is, but I don't want to pay more than $45. 例二: MEMO To: From: Re: Your enquiry of the 20th October … … … …
II. 便函写作应试技巧 一、题目要求 在考试时,题目中会给你一个特定的情景,同时会告诉给你要完成三项写作任务;题目中会有清楚的字数限制,即40-50字,超出或少于这个字数限制都会影响你的成绩。 二、便函写作的要求 简洁:不用写许多空洞的客套话。内容要直截了当,开门见山。 完整:在用词和造句时要用完整句,不能因为这是一种非正式文体的写作就可以用缩略句,这些做法都是错误的。 实用:写出一条便函、便条、电子短信或留言,一定要有实用性。要少用空泛、含混的概念,而用具体、明确的词汇和句子。交代给对方做的事情或通知对方的内容一定要让对方能够易于操作,准确无误地完成。 以上三点说起来容易,做起来难。下面我们就来演练一下。 请看下面题目: You are Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to make an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary. Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary. telling her who you are going to see and when asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence.
题目分析 Overall effect: The secretary would know where the Head of Research was going and when, and would understand she was required to book flights and accommodation, and what work she should do tomorrow. 参考答案: 参考答案一 To: Alice Hu, Personal Secretary From: David Guan, Head of Research Date: 1 May 2001 Subject*: Urgent trip to subsidiary company I have to make an urgent trip tomorrow, 2nd May 2001, to visit Pireer Blanco. Please book flight tickets and accommodation. In my absence, I would like you to handle all matters that do not need my personal decisions. Please inform all relevant colleagues. *subject=Re 参考答案二 To: Alice Hu, Personal Secretary From: David Guan, Head of Research Date: 1 May 2001 Subject: Urgent trip to French subsidiary I’ll visit Pierre Blanco in Paris on 2 May 2001 in the afternoon. Please book me return flight tickets and accommodation at Hilton Hotel for my three-day visit. In my absence, you should schedule and then fax me the arrangements for next week. V. Oral Practice Training Opportunities l How important is it to you to be offered opportunities for training in a job? 参考答案: It’s very important because ongoing training can guarantee that employees have necessary skills to meet the requirements of the job. l What do you think makes a training course effective? 参考答案: First, a qualified and experienced teacher can make the course effective. A further factor is to satisfy staff needs. (location, materials, audio-visual aids) l How do you think employees should be selected to attend training courses? 参考答案: All new staff should receive orientation programme to facilitate their job. For ongoing training, HR Department can carry out opinion surveys among staff to include as many staff as possible. l Do you think employees should contribute towards the cost of training? (Should employees pay some of the cost of their training?) 参考答案: I don’t believe so. Many big name companies now make full use of training as motivation. This will help retain staff and enhance staff loyalty to the company. So I reckon that companies not employees should contribute towards the cost. Teamwork l Do you prefer working on your own or as a member of a team? 参考答案: I prefer to work in a team. Teamwork means that team members can swap ideas and offer help. l Which do you think are more effective, small teams or larger teams? 参考答案: I think small teams are very effective. Small teams can ensure better communication and fighting spirits. l Do you think teams always need to have a leader? 参考答案: Yes, I believe so. A team leader can allocate roles, chair regular meetings and set targets for the team. l Do you think it is important for a team to have regular meetings? 参考答案: Definitely. At regular meetings, team members can swap ideas and ensure the flow of information. Homework 1. Oral practice: Advantages and disadvantages of each form of communication (faxes, letters, e-mails, phone calls, memos, notes) 2. Self-study exercise 1 on page 15. You can check your answers against the key at the back of the book. 3. You are taking your annual holiday at the beginning of July and you will be out of the office for three weeks. Write a memo of 40 –50 words to your secretary, telling him/her: ·when you are going on holiday and for how long; ·what should happen to your mail; ·what he/she should do in case of an emergency. |