
www.zige365.com 2008-11-3 10:40:37 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
The general rule in company communication is to tell employees as much as you can as soon as you can. If you can’t provide details, then at least put the news in context and commit yourself to providing greater detail when it becomes available another rule of company communication is that there must be a fit between what the company is telling its employees and what it is telling its shareholders.
  15: in the last eight years, Concordia has
  A made over 80.000 employees reduncdant
  B completed a period of downsizing
  C reduced its workforce of 80.000 by 35%
  D given 35% of departing employees voluntary redundancy
  16 from Concordia’s point of view, the role of communication is to
  A win employee support before going ahead with the changes
  B change the company’s core activities.
  C emphasise the positive aspects of the changes
  D explain the need for the changes
  17 what does research show about most employees’ response to change?
  A they expect it to have a bad effect on the company
  B they feel completely powerless
  C they become less loyal
  D they fell they have been treated unfairly
  18 Concordia’s communication process mainly relies on
  A printed communication
  B departmental heads
  C personal communication
  D a separate, specialized unit
  19 According to the writer, what is the guiding ;principle about giving information within an organization?
  A Never make promises about future developments
  B Give people an overall view at the earliest possible stage
  C always include plenty of hard information
  D Hold back until all the details can be provided
  20 which of the following would be the most suitable title for the article?
  A employee attitudes to company communication
  B making company communication more effective
  C Researching company commmucation
  D Making employees feel less powerless
  Questions 21 -30
  Read the article from the Chairman’s statement in a pharmaceutical company’s annual report
  Choose the correct word to fill each gap from (A, B, C or D) on the opposite page .
  For each question 21-30,mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet .
  There is an example at the beginning , (0)
  Charman’s Statement
  Two year ago we undertook to increase our sales and to at least (10) our earnings. We published this (21) in order to demonstrate our resolve to lead the business successfully through the demanding period following the expiry of patents which had given us the exclusive right to develop two of our major products.
  I am very please to (22) that we achieved what we set (23) to do. We have achieved increased of 4% and 6% in sales and earnings (24) this comes despite considerable losses (25) the expiry of the patents. It is testimony to the depth and vitality of our portfolio of medicines that we have been able to survive the largest single patent expiry our industry has known.
  Looking further ahead, I firmly believe that this company can continue to deliver strong , sustainable growth, enabling us to stay at the (28) of the research-based pharmaceutical industry.

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