
www.zige365.com 2008-11-3 10:30:01 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
1 This book follows the progress of various products from the concept to the selling stage.
  2 This book includes very few technical terms.
  3 In this book we are given some detailed inside information on companies.
  4 The writer of this book believes company bosses aim at more than the financial improvement of their company.
  5 The writer of this book feels that success involves the ability to adapt quickly to a new situation.
  6 It is stated in this book that future business success will involve understanding recent thinking in the business area.
  7 This book shows how to include tine input of consumer in a company.
  8 This book is aimed at the workforce as well as management.
  Anticipating changes in the marketplace and the competition depends on the ability to quickly reorganize business structures. Percentage Solutions shows that these significant change indicators lie in the 20% of business opportunities that will drive growth and profit into the future. Peter Fraser suggests that companies stay ahead of change by using a rapid redesign approach to quickly renew and rethink their business. In the book he details how this redesign could work and gives some example of how it could be put into practice in a company.
  B BUSINESS THOUGHTS Norman Heimes, Sandy Davies
  Attaining higher levels of customer satisfaction, increasing speed and efficiency in the product development process, and increasing profits are the goals many managers are struggling to achieve. The basic business philosophy behind this book is Customer Integrated Decision Making, or CIDM, which is a process that shows managers how to reach these goals by integrating the customer into the decision-making process and incorporating the customer's wants and needs into the design of new products and services.
  C COMMODITIES TO GO Philip M Rodgers
  This fascinating and instructive book takes readers behind the scenes of twenty-four of the biggest new product success stories of the past few years and reveals the normally confidential workings of some of the institutions where these products were developed. Each story focuses on a different strategy and offers managers and professionals invaluable insights into how the brightest and best new product ideas were originally thought up, then developed and finally brought to market.
  The incorporation of information technology in the workplace has revolutionized the way people do business. But the revolution has not finished - new technologies are being developed every day. The divide between man and technology is becoming increasingly narrow, and in some societies social and cultural changes are gradually occurring in order to reengineer business operations for the 21st century. A Handbook of Modem Business Matters will encourage you to think about the new concepts and ideas which often pass by only half understood, but will eventually make the difference between success and failure.
  This original book about attitudes towards work is both for individuals in routine jobs seeking to improve the quality of their working lives and for managers who find themselves expected to do more with less in this era of uncertainty. Business Choices reveals a new way of thinking about work that will motivate both employees and companies to reach for higher levels of achievement. In a clear and very readable style that avoids much irritating business jargon. Anne Jones seeks to improve working attitudes at all levels of the workforce.

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