
www.zige365.com 2008-11-3 10:11:31 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  A get on well with other people.
  B make profitable business deals.
  C motivate other people he works with.
  D choose the right people to work with.
  17. What difficulty does Cockburn have to deal with at W.H. Smith?
  A the image the public has of the company
  B the comparison people make with his previous job
  C the competition from modern, new subsidiaries
  D the old, established customs in existence
  18. As a result of his influence, Cockburn says he would like to see
  A an increase in share prices.
  B a better educated workforce.
  C a more demanding atmosphere.
  D a less structured organization.
  19. Corkburn attributes his successful career to
  A the support his bosses give him.
  B his own personal ambition.
  C the help he has received from clients.
  D his ability to do any job given.
  20. What does Corkburn say is the most important factor in successful management?
  A always thinking positively
  B not demanding too much from your staff
  C setting an example to your staff
  D saying exactly what you think
  Useful Words and Expressions:
  Interim; smug; complacency; be content with; prominence; sentiment; challenging; end up; tremendous;
  Have you ever noticed the following sentences in your reading? If not, read them through and pay attention to the bold parts.
  15. “There is,” said Cockburn, “a culture of complacency…
  We should welcome reform as an opportunity, not a threat. I can't understand people who are content with mediocrity and accept second best when they have the potential to be terrific.“
  16. I had uniformly favorable reports from everyone who had worked with him as someone who gets things done and can also bring out the best in his staff.
  17. Managing change in a young business like one of our subsidiaries is easier than managing it in Smith's 549-store empire with all its tradition and resistance to new ideas.
  18. It is a very polite environment here.' he says with a mischievous smile, 'I want it to be more challenging, so people can disagree with each other…
  19. I took each job as it came and I had tremendous bosses who encouraged me. I learned from them how to take pressure and to work fast and hard.
  20. It seems to me the only way to work is to be open and honest and speak your mind…

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