
www.zige365.com 2008-11-3 10:08:58 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  15. In the first paragraph, the writer describes relationship marketing as
  a. an idea that has passed in and out of fashion over the last few years.
  b. a term used for an activity that used to exist in a more basic form.
  c. a way for a company to advertise to its customers.
  d. a way for a company to analyze its profitability.
  16. Why are small shopkeepers used to illustrate relationship marketing?
  a. Their success depends on their relationships with their customers.
  b. They keep information about their customers on computer.
  c. They were the first to use the term relationship marketing.
  c. Their relationship with customers has started to change recently.
  17. One reason why large companies didnt use relationship marketing in the past is that
  a. they underestimated the true value of customer loyalty.
  b. heir customers didnt want them to collect information.
  c. they didnt need to find out about individual customers.
  d. they didnt think they could justify the expenses.
  18. One advantage of relationship marketing for large retailer is that
  a. they can become more widely known.
  b. they can respond to suggestions form customers.
  c. they can increase their customer base.
  d. they can identify the shopping habits of customers.
  19. According to the writer, what kind of customers are unsuitable for relationship marketing?
  a. people who only make cash purchases.
  b. people who dont shop very often.
  c. people who have had bad experiences with shops.
  d. people who want to shop as quickly as possible.
  20. The writer concludes that relationship marketing is most likely to work if
  a. the customer co-operate.
  b. it is applied in small sales areas.
  c. the right customers are chosen.
  d. front-line staff learn to use computers.
  Useful Words and Expressions:
  Deliberate; profitability; foremost; manipulation; amass; differentiate; justify; demonstrable; integrative;
  Have you ever noticed the following sentences in your reading? If not, read them through and pay attention to the bold parts.
  15. The information gathered forms the basis of highly technical analyses of customer purchasing and profitability, which can be used to increase sales.
  16. Small shopkeepers have direct knowledge of regular customers and become familiar with their needs, likes and dislikes. The shopkeepers can then provide services tailored to individual needs. Over time, a bond of loyalty is likely to develop between shopkeepers and regular customers.
  17. First and foremost is the increasing recognition of the importance of profitability of retaining existing customers.
  18. Large retailers can use store cards to obtain detailed background information about customers ages, salaries and lifestyles, and point-of-sale technology can be sued to track purchases made by every customer.
  19. a supermarket customer who spends very little and does not shop regularly does not justify the expenditure of several pounds per annum on relationship marketing.

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