
www.zige365.com 2011-11-20 12:02:56 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  Firslty, it allows people to get a global vision, which is an assets nowadays, when globalisation is taking place at a rapid rate. Specifically speaking, it is not uncommon to find foreign companies in China or doing business with Chinese counterparts. A global perspective will certainly help communications among multi-national team members.
  Secondly, people can sharpen their English language skills. Needless to say, English is the working language in the world and working in another contry enables people to get more exposure language-wise. It is obvious that the workers would use the language to serve a purpose in their job, rather than learning it from a text book. Such practice of language will certainly polish their English.
  Last but not least, people may understand different cultures better. When living and working abroad, people hava an opportunity to closely observe the local way of life, to be more exact, how people handle their daily tasks and how they do so differently between cultures. Something as simple as cutting a grape fruit could demonstrate such a difference.
  - Whether you think the use of mobile phones for business is always positive in your country
  Generally, mobile phones are quite useful in daily work. As known to all, people send text message, exchange emails and check maps on cell phones, which come in quite handy. However, I wouldn't say it is ALWAYS useful. A case in point is that when people attend meetings ,they get distracted by the messages on their cell phones, not to mention phone calls which are not urgent nor important. Besides distraction, it increases stress for cell phone users. People are on call all the time, which resulted in a dim line between life and work. By that I mean, employees are always on the work mode. Gradually, stress may lead to reduced productivity.
  - How important you think language training will be in your country in future
  image, product的重音应该是Image, PROduct;
  important 的替换词。

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