实用英语阅读—大学新生手册:选专业 莫着急

www.zige365.com 2012-9-20 15:26:24 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
 Many freshmen feel anxious about their majors. Most believe that their major will determine their future: what they do and how much they get paid.


  So what happens if you don’t like your major, or know nothing about its career prospects? What are your options?


  Experts advise students not to panic. Worrying about their choice of major causes most first-year students stress, according to Bai Jing, an instructor at Shantou University.


  “There are always a few students who arrive on campus knowing exactly what they want from their major and what their career ambitions are, but the majority just don’t know or only have a vague idea,” he said.


  “There is no need to rush to a conclusion on whether you like your major or not or if it suits you.”


  Instead, students should devote their time and energy to fully exploring their academic and career interests. This should take priority over decisions such as changing your major.


  In practical terms this means that if a student has no idea what he or she want to do, they should first narrow the focus from all possible majors down to a few selected areas.


  Luo Jialiang, 21, a junior who changed his major from electronic engineer to law in his first year at Fudan University, shared his experience.


  “Ask yourself these questions: What things excite you most? What jobs or careers appeal to you?”


  He recommends that if students are indecisive they take a career assessment. Career centers on campus usually offer this service in addition to a variety of personality tests.


  Once a student has figured out his or her interests, they need to examine their abilities and make sure they can handle the study and work assignments in this field.


  “Think about what your weaknesses and strengths are, such as logical reasoning,” he said.


  Cai Xiaoming, a biology professor at Peking University, reminds students that many choose certain majors just to follow the crowd. But without talking to teachers or practitioners in the field, they seldom get the right picture.

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