实用英语阅读_女性交友必备黄金法则 慎用性感

www.zige365.com 2012-7-20 14:46:57 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  5. Be a gentleman。


  Girls love guys that are polite and courteous. It's just a matter of doing simple things like holding doors open for them and being respectful in other ways. Some claim chivalry is dead, but if you believe that, then you're going to have some problems getting a girl's interest。


  6. Make her laugh。


  Being funny is one of the most attractive qualities a guy can have, and if you're not "handsome", a girl will usually overlook that! If you're not goofy but you have a very dry, sarcastic sense of humor, use that. Just watch your timing and try not to be too goofy, or you may make a fool of yourself. It's okay to tease her a little, but generally not about her appearance。


  7. Notice when you're having a conversation and she seems uncomfortable, change the subject。


  Watch her movements, if she's shifting her weight a lot and not making eye contact, chances are she's uncomfortable。


  8. Recognize that physical contact should be limited by the state of your relationship。


  *Acquaintances--A handshake when introducing yourself is probably a reasonable limit for a first meeting. You can also subtly brush your hand against her hand or arm。


  *Casual Friends or Prospective Dates--You could try something like touching her hair or playfully poking her in the side and asking if she is ticklish. This is generally considered flirting, and if a girl doesn't appreciate your advances, it's best to apologize and refrain from making similar contact。


  *Good Friends--It is generally acceptable to give friendly hugs to girls that you know fairly well, even if you aren't a couple. Just be sensitive to the girl's feelings about it; pressuring her to hug you will make her uncomfortable。


  *Boyfriend/Girlfriend--When you've grown closer, you can hold her hand or wrap your arm around her shoulders or waist when you're walking together. With her consent, you can also kiss her。




  Be the same around her and your friends。

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