目标: 能用英语流利地与外国人交谈, 英语说得与中文一样好.完全用英语思维思考. THINKING IN ENGLISH ABSOLUTELY. 第一阶段(EARLY STAGE) 用时(1-2个月) 目标:培养英语思维, 由听声音想出图象 具体要求: 1. 避免使用中文翻译,充分建立条件反射; 2. 不要试图说英语,只练听力;(还在沉默期内); 3. 不要看任何拼写,把拼写的学习完全放弃;(不认识字母又何妨?) 4. 如果有外教参与,外教可多用肢体语言或用手画图协助这一过程,不要教课; 5. 不要怕听错,要放松和有信心; 原则:能否提供在本人现有水平上的“可理解性输入i+1”的条件。
练习方法: 看图识音(软件:罗赛塔石碑或自己制作图片和录音) TRP”全身反应法” 1. 主张学习者通过“可理解输入”先建立听力能力,不强迫学生开口说; 2. 降低学生紧张情绪; 3. 左右脑协调使用,共同实现语言能力(左脑负责接受指令,右脑负责做动作); 4. 模仿真实的语言环境; 5. 不教语法知识,也不急于学读写; TPR WORD LIST: General Body Movements stand up,sit down,walk,stop,turn left,turn right,turn around,walk backwards,jump,hop, bend over,squat,walk 3 steps, 5 steps, etc., face ___ (face me; face the wall, face the door, etc.),lift up your right leg (left leg, right arm, etc.),lower your leg (left leg, right arm, etc.), shake my hand,kiss me (on the cheek!),make a fist,clap your hands,wave Facial things smile,cough,laugh,cry,sneeze,open your mouth,close your mouth,stick out your tongue,put your tongue back in,wink,blink,wiggle your nose General verbs you can use with objects where is, touch,show me,pick up,put down,put it back (return),drop, move,give me (give him),take it back,throw,catch,turn over (flip),put the _____ on (under etc.) the ______,push,pull, lift Kitchen table stuff cup, plate, bowl, knife,fork,spoon, napkin / tissue, dish,big round serving tray,tray you’d serve tea or coffee on,table,chair kitchen stuff pan, oven,stove,sink,faucet,counter,cupboard,refrigerator basic foods flour,sugar,bread,tea leaves,coffee grounds,rice,nuts,yogurt,candy, etc. drinks water,milk,juice,soda,yogurt (drinking),coffee,tea fruits/vegetables apple, banana, orange, plum, grapes, fig, dates, raisons, lemon,pomegranate,tomato, cucumber, zucchini, onion, carrot, eggplant, small eggplant,potato, garlic, parsley, lettuce, grape leaves, celery, mint,cabbage, etc.