
www.zige365.com 2013-3-20 9:36:10 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  1.B 试穿衣服clothing (只是说颜色很配handbag)

  2.C 是co-worker (havenot seen you in company)

  3.A (phoning while driving)

  4.B (late in asking,女的打算投室友的票)

  5.C stop buying cameras

  6.B plane (fly to)

  7.A toothbrush (tie是店员推荐,clock 是男的想出来的,最后决定是toothbrush)

  8.C law office (low office 派Rick去旅行)

  9.A excited

  10.B a week (三天前得知,一周后出发,去一个月)

  11.A live by herself

  12.B married (since she first married)

  13.C friends

  14.B 女的先谈自己迷路经历,再引出男的讲在德国迷路的事情

  15.C gave a performance (concert around the stage)

  16.A follow man

  17.C He cannot speak german (she do not speak English,I do not speak German)

  18.A a radio announcer

  19.A bad traffic (the traffic is worse and worse)

  20.B be understanding

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