第二节考生相互问答 题目1: 口试老师: Candidate B, you want to go to a lecture, but you don't know anything about it. Ask Candidate A to tell you. Use the words on this card to help you. (将Card lb递给考生B) Card lb 讲座 讲座题目: 主讲人: 讲座地点: 讲座时间: 讲座内容: Candidate A, here is something about a lecture. Answer Candidate B's questions using the information on this card. (将Card la递给考生A) card la 讲座:学会学习 主讲人;Jim Green 时间:9月26日(周四)晚6∶30 地点:主楼121 讲座内容:介绍英语学习的策略 题目2: 口试教师: Candidate A, you want to go to a celebration, but you know little about it. Ask Candidate B to tell you. Use the words on this card to help you(将Card 2a递给考生A) Card 2a 庆祝会 时间: 地点: 内容: 参加人员: Candidate B, here is something about a celebration. Answer Candidate A's questions using the information on this card. (将Card 2b递给考生B)Card 2b 庆祝会 时间:9月29日 地点:学生体育馆 内容:歌、舞、乐曲弹唱、相声(comic dialogue)等 参加人员:全校师生 第三节继续性问答 口试老师结合第二节的内容向考生各提出2或3个问题。 Related to Card la&b 1Do you often go to lectures? Why? 2What kind of lectures do you often go to? 3What do you think of lectures? 4Have you ever listened to any English lectures? Related to Card 2a&b 1Do you often hold celebrations? Why? 2What do you often celebrate? 3Did you hold or attend celebrations on our fiftieth National Day? 4Say something about our fiftieth National Day celebrations? |