
www.zige365.com 2009-9-4 14:51:40 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

 60.The passage mainly talks about   .

  peer pressure 


  conflicts between young people and their parents 

  problems for young people 

 61.In the third sentence of the second paragraph (段), "them" refers to   .

  acceptance and friendship 


  strong needs to be liked by others 

  our friends' advice 

 62."being your own person" in the last sentence most probably means   .

  having enough self-confidence (信心,信任) 

  trying not to tell any lie 

  keeping yourself away from drugs 

  acting according to your own beliefs and values 

 63.The second paragraph focuses on   .

  what people should do for their children 

  what peer pressure is 

  how young people start to take drugs 

  why young people are easily influenced by their peers 


  There are many differences between the living conditions of people in the Los Angeles area and those of Topeka, Kansas. For example, the Los Angeles area offers many places to go and see, but in Topeka the places are limited. Places such as Disneyland and Knotts Berry Farm or even the mountains and ocean, which are common to Los Angeles, provide the area with entertainment (娱乐,文艺节目), for example. Another major contrast (对照) between the two geographic (地理的) areas is in the field of job opportunities. Los Angeles has many industries, which in turn create (创造,产生) job opportunities, but in the Topeka area there are only a few industries and thus few job opportunities. Also, the people working at their jobs in Topeka stay with the same job for many years because of the limited opportunity (机会) for advancement. By contrast, the job advancement opportunity in the Los Angeles area is much better because there are more jobs to begin with and, therefore, people will change jobs more freely.

  An equally important contrast is the variation (变化,变异) of shopping places. In Los Angeles anyone can shop around for the best deal before making a major purchase (购买,购买的物品), such as a new car; in Topeka there are few shopping places, especially shopping centres and car dealers. Thus people in Topeka do not have the choice in the first place, nor can they make the deals that the people in Los Angeles can.

  On the whole the Los Angeles area has many advantages over the entire Topeka, Kansas area.


 64.Which is the diagram (图,图解) showing the right relation of the places mentioned in the passage?

  A         To=B       Kal=C       Di=D       

 65.Which is NOT talked about in the passage?

  It is more difficult for people in Topeaka to change a job than those in Los Angeles. 

  There are many more places to visit in Los Angeles than in Topeka. 

  It is easier for one to find a job in Los Angeles than in Topeka. 

  Los Angeles has a larger population than Topeka. 

 66.The reason for more job opportunities in Los Angeles than in Topeka is that   .

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