
www.zige365.com 2009-9-4 14:49:34 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
We arrived in Naples on the Sunday night, and spent the night on the ship. The next morning we went ashore. We weren't leaving again till six o'clock that evening, so we had the day to see Naples. Well, we walked around the streets a bit, and looked at this and that. And then I wanted to see the ruins of Pompeii, of course.

  I saw a taxi, and we stopped it, and asked the taxi-driver to take us to Pompeii. He said something, and shook his head. We couldn't understand what was going on. You know what taxi-drivers are alike, all over the world. Either it's too far, or too close, or the wrong district, or they're just going home to dinner, or they don't know the place you are talking about, or they can only take you there if you pay a special rate. I tried to find out what the reason was this time, but I'm afraid my Italian isn't as good as it should be.

  Anyway, in the end he agreed to take us and finally we got there. He was right all along, though. Pompeii was closed. Apparently everything in Italy closes on Mondays. It was a pity, because we only had Monday there, but never mind, I thought, we'll go somewhere else instead. "Take us to see Vesuvius, then," I said. The taxi-driver shook his head again. "Don't tell me the volcanoes are closed as well," I asked. He nodded vigorously. Apparently they were.

 72.Naples the writer arrived in on the Sunday night is in   .

  Italy       Vesuvius     France      Pompeii   

 73.By shaking his head. the taxi-driver meant   .

  he was hungry and didn't want to take them there 

  they didn't need to go there by taxi because it was within the walking distance 

  he didn't understand where to go 

  it was useless going there 

 74.Vesuvius is the name of   .

  a volcano 

  a shopping centre 

  a city 

  a street 

 75.What we learn from the passage is that   .

  it is unwise to speak English in Italy 

  taxi-drivers in all parts of the world are unbelievable 

  there is nothing worth visiting in Italy 

  everything in Italy closes on Mondays 

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