
www.zige365.com 2009-9-4 14:46:10 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
C whenever     D wherever

8) A even        B if even            C if            D even if


9) A numbers     B quality           C quantities      D degree


10) A happens to   B happen to        C happened to     D happening to


11) A put down    B put into          C put up          D puto onto


12) A stored       B storing          C being stored     D to be stored


13) A transporting B transport        C being transported D transported


14)   A hot        B cooled          C cool             D to cool


15)   A disaster    B danger          C a disaster         D disastrous


16)   A reassure    B ensure          C convince         D assure


17)   A in front of   B behind         C forward          D into

18)   A against     B that            C to               D too


19)   A as long as B as well as        C as good as        D as smart as


20)   A has a right B with a right      C having a right      D have a right




1--5 CABDC  
6--10 BADCA
11--15 BADCD
16--20 BDCAD

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