
www.zige365.com 2009-9-4 14:29:48 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

Section Ⅱ Use of English


 21.  As she    the newspaper, Granny    asleep.

  was reading... fell 

  read... was falling 

  was reading... was falling 

  read... fell 

 22.  At last he was    the big mistake he had made in his CV (简历表).

  known for 

  conscious about 

  conscious (意识到的,有知觉的) of 

  known of 

 23.  Although only of    intelligence (智力,消息), he speaks four languages fluently.

  middle      common      average      usual   

 24.  "Who is in the reading-room?" "  ".

  No one      None       Not        Nothing   

 25.  A doctor can expect    at any hour of the day or night.

  seeing      calling      to be called   being called  

 26.  "Is there any special program you would like to watch?" "   one you choose is all right with me."

  Whenever     Whichever     Whatever     Wherever   

 27.  "Do you want to go out this evening?" "  ."

  I'd rather not 

  I'd rather did not 

  I'd rather not going 

  I'd rather don't 

 28.  After working for the whole morning, we were glad to take    rest.

  a few minutes'  a few minute's  few minutes's   few minutes'   

 29.   "Are the new rules working?"

      "Yes.    books are stolen."

  Few        More       Some       None     

 30.  As soon as the holidays begin this beach    very crowded.

  became      become      becomes      had become  

 31.  "I hope the children won't go near the water." "I warned them   ".

  not        not to      not go      won't   

 32.  Although it is raining hard,   .

  then I am still going out 

  I am still going out 

  and I am still going out 

  but I am still going out 

 33.  After you finish the test,    again to look for mistakes.

  go over with it  go it over    go over it    go over    

 34.  Animal skins can    coats, hats and boots.

  be made up of   be made from   be made into   be made of    

 35.  Always try your best,    you'll be left behind.

  and        or        for        nor      
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