
www.zige365.com 2009-4-20 13:39:17 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
WMWMWU huh...do you mean it'll be as competent as...or... a human interpreter? Yes... well, I'll let it deal with general situations, at least. Fascinating... and how big will the device itself be, do you think? The size of a cigarette pack, I think. So people can put it in their pocket. Really. Well, that could be a Ph. D project. Tell me what you have done so far. In my four years of undergraduate study, I studied electronics, advanced Mmathematics, hardware designing, some computer languages and program writing. Yes, but have you done anypractical jobs? I mean, have you written anyWprograms for practical use?I was involved in a project for CAD in a shipyard.MWThe computer aided design. That was probably a good experience, but, unfortunately, it may not help your present project much. Are you familiar with C-language?No.MWUhuh... the phonetic processing system, do you know how such a system works?What do you mean by "phonetic processing system?"MWWell, you know, English is spoken by different people with different accents. Your English accent is different from mine, and of course mine is not the same as my colleagues'. So as I see it, your device would have to be able to recognise and understand different accents.Oh, I see. I think I can learn C-language and a phonetic processing systemMhere.Well, that's probably true, but you've got only 12 months and you want aWdegree, don't you?Yes.MWOK, so there're two ways of studying for a degree here. You either take six courses, pass their exams and have your dissertation accepted or the other way is you do some research work and submit your project report. MWMWI think I'll take the second way. Fine, but are you sure you can finish your project in 12 months? I don't know, but I can work 12 hours a day and 7 days a week. Well, I'd suggest you spend some time in our library, trying to find out what other students have done before and perhaps re-consider your own project, to some extent. You might narrow your research area, concentrating on solving one or two major problems. And, it'd be a good idea to talk to your colleagues in the lab, first. Anyway, I'm sure we can work out something good. Shall I see you again in three days' time? All right. I'll go away and do some thinking. Then I'll talk to you about my Mnew plan. Good. See you then. WM Thank you. Bye-bye.

You now have 20 seconds to check your answers to Questions 1 - 10.That is the end of Part A

Part B: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE. Questions 1 - 3 are based on the following talk. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 1 - 3.

1. What does the speaker suggest that the students should do during the term?[A] Consult with her frequently.[B] Use the computer regularly.[C] Occupy the computer early.[D] Wait for one's turn patiently.

2. What service must be paid for?[A] Computer classes.[B] Training sessions.[C] Laser printing.[D] Package borrowing.

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