
www.zige365.com 2008-9-29 22:34:04 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  28. A. for   B. of   C. on   D. towards

  29. A. today   B. nowadays   C. present-day   D. present

  30. A. near   B. nearby   C. nearly   D. nearer

  31. A. noise   B. sound   C. tone   D. tune

  32. A. to   B. away   C. off   D. over

  33. A. than   B. as   C. when   D. while

  34. A. usual   B. popular   C. daily   D. regular

  35. A. add   B. increase   C. raise   D. arise

  IV . Each of the follnwing sentence has four underlined parts. These parts are labelled A, B, C and D. Identify the part of sentence that is incomect and put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. Then , without altering the meaning of the sentence , wite down your correction nn the line in the ANSWER SHEET. (IO points)


  You have to hurry up if you want to buy something because the_re's hardly something Jeft.


  ANSWER : ( C)anything

  36. Alice was having A trouble to controlB the children because there wereC so manyD of them.

  37. We were very much surprisedA that theB village was suchC long way fromDthe road.

  38. John's chance of being electedA chairmanB of the committee is farC greater than DickD.

  39. "We have wonA a Bgreat victory onC our enemyD, " the captain said.

  40. There are many valuable servicesA which the public are willing to pay forB, but which does not bringC a return in moneyD to the community.

   41 . The law I am referringA require that everyoneB who ownsC a car haveD accident insurance.

   42. "I considered itA a honorB to be invited to addressC the meeting of world-famousD scientists, " said Professor Leacock .

  43. He was seeingA somebody creepingB into the house throughC the openD window last night .

  44. The reason forA all theB changes being madeC has not explainedD to us yet.

  45 . Even thoughA the children pretended asleepB , the nurses were not deceivedC whenD they came in-to the room.

  V . Fill in the blanks with the appmpriate fnmts of the verbs given in the brackets. Put your answers in the ANSWER SHEET. ( IO point)


  It is highly desirable that a new president _ (appoint) for this college. ANSWER : (should) be_appointed

  46 . Buying clothes _(be) very time-consuming as you rarely find things that fit you nice- Iy .

  47. They keep telling us it is of utmast importance that our representative _ (send) to the conference on schedule .

  48. I must call your attention to the directions. Read them carefully and act as _ (in- struct) .

  49. Emma said in her letter that she would appreciate _ (hear) from you soon.

  50. I _(call) to make an airline reservation, but I didn' t.

  51 . If Greg had tried harder to reach the opposite shore, we _ _ _(not have) to pick him up in the boat.

  52 . After twenty years abroad, William came back only _ ( find) his hometown severely damaged in an earthquake.

  53. The lecture _ (begin) , he left his seat so quietly that no one complained that his leav- ing disturbed the speaker.

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