The study takes into consideration the effects of a nationwide 20% real increase in teachersalaries during the 1980s. It concludes that it had no appreciable effect on overall teacherquality, in large part because schools do a poor job of. recruiting and-selecting the best teachers.Also, even if higher salaries lure more qualified candidates into the profession, the overall effect on quality may be offset by mediocre teachers who choose to postpone retirement.
The study also takes aim at teacher training. Every state requires that teachers be licensed,a process that can involve up to two years of education classes, even for those who have auniversity degree or a graduate degree in the field they would like to teach. Inevitably, thissystem does little to lure in graduates of top universities or professionals who would like toenter teaching at mid-career.
26. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
[A] NEA is the largest society for teachers.
[B] Education-majored students are not as wise as people have assumed.
[C] Young teachers are paid less because their students don't do well enough.
[D] The study is both concerned with the effects of rise in payment and teacher training.
27. Increase in teacher salaries did not turn out so effective mainly because of the following reasons EXCEPT .
[A] the authorities do not set standards for qualified teachers.
[BI mediocre teachers postpone retirement.
[C] the salaries were not attractive enough.
[D] teachers didn't have equal opportunities.
28. According to the passage, the reason for clever students' refusal to take teaching as profession is because .
[A] it offers low pay.
[B] they have interest in other professions.
[C] it does not value productivity.
[D] it uses poor recruiting strategies.
29. "The data are striking: when the brightest individuals shun the teaching profession at every juncture" means .
[A] students doing well in study are willing to take teaching as a career.
[B] students doing well in study can't avoid choosing teaching as a career.
[C] students doing well in study are reluctant to be teachers.
[D] students doing well in study are not reluctant to be teachers.
30. All can be concluded BUT .
[A] teaching in U.S.A needs a certificate.
[B] the more outstanding one is, the more likely he is to choose teaching.
[C] American public-school teachers are paid in proportion to experience and years of schooling.
[D] increase in teacher's salaries is to attract more qualified candidates to teaching.
Text 3
The Nobel prize in economics had a difficult birth. It was created in 1969 to mimic thefive prizes initiated under Alfred Nobel's will. These had already been around for 68 years, andpurists fought hard to stop the newcomer. Some members of the Royal Swedish Academy ofSciences still dismiss economics as unscientific, and its prize as not a proper Nobel. Earlywinners were among the prize's fiercest critics. Gunnar Myrdal, who shared the award in 1974,said the prize ought to be abolished (but he did not return the money). Milton Friedman, winnerin 1976, doubted the ability of a few people in Stockholm to make decisions respected aroundthe world.