
www.zige365.com 2011-11-30 16:40:18 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
lans for the future? enroll 吸收(成员),招生:The school enrolled about 300 pupils last year ensure 保证,担保:His industriousness and ability will ensure his success entertain 给。。。娱乐,使有兴趣:The child is entertaining himself with his building blocks entitle 给。。。权利,给。。。资格(to):Robert was entitled to see the documents equivalent 相等的,相同的:The misery of such a position is equivalent to its happiness erase 擦掉,抹掉,消除:erase the chalk marks erect 竖直的,垂直的,竖起的:an erect tree erupt (火山,喷泉等)喷发:The volcano is due to erupt any day essence 本质,实质,要素:Being thoughtful of others is the essence of politeness eternal 永恒的,永存的,永久的:eternal truths evaluate 估价,评价:evaluate property evaporate (使)蒸发,(使)挥发:Heats evaporate water exaggerate 夸张,夸大,对…言过其实:keep to the facts and don’t exaggerate exceed 超出,胜过:Her performance exceeded all the others excess 超越,超过:an excess of supply over demand execute 实行,实施,执行,履行:execute a plan exemplify 例示,举例证明,是…的例证(或榜样等):The teacher exemplified the use of the word exert 用力,尽力:exert all one’s strength exhaust 汲空,抽完:exhaust a well expand 扩大,扩展,膨胀:Reading(travel)expands one’s mind expel 驱逐,赶走:expel an invader from a country expend 花费,消费(on, in):They expended all their strength in (on) trying to climb out expire 满期,届期,(期限)终止:His term of office expires this year explicit 详尽的,明确的:give explicit directions exploit英勇的或冒险的行为或事迹:The daring of exploit of the parachutists were much admired exterior 外部的,外面的,外表的:exterior decorations external 外面的,外部的:external signs of a disease extinct (火等)熄灭了的:an extinct cigarette(fire) extinguish熄灭,扑灭:extinguish a cigarette(candle) extract取出,提取:extract a confession extravagant奢侈的,浪费的:be extravagant in one’s way of living F fabricate 建造,制造:The finest craftsmen fabricated this clock facilitate使变得(更)容易,使便利:Such a port would facilitate the passage of oil from the Middle East to Japan fade (颜色)褪去:The color in this material will not fade faint不清楚的,模糊的,微弱的:a faint idea fancy想象力:Children usually have a lively fancy fare车费,船费,飞机票价:full (half) fare fascinate强烈的吸引,迷住,使神魂颠倒:be fascinated with history fashion方式,样子:She speaks in a very strange fashion favor 恩惠,善意的行为:We would esteem it a great favor if you would reply at once feasible 可行的:a feasible plan(idea) feeble 虚弱的,无力的:His pulse was very feeble feed 喂养,饲养:feed a baby at the breast figure 数字:according to official figures finance 财政,金融:skill in finance finite 有限的,有限制的:a finite number of facts flare (火焰)闪耀,(摇曳不定地)燃烧:candle flaring in the wind flash 闪光,闪烁:a flash of lighting flat平坦的,扁平的:a flat land flatter奉承,使高兴:I feel greatly flattered by your invitation flavor味,味道,风味:drama with a European flavor flee逃走,逃掉:The enemy troops fled in utter confusion flexible柔韧易,弯曲的:flexible co

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