
www.zige365.com 2011-11-24 8:38:26 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

46. According to the passage, all wise managers think that ___

A) the industry of black film would increase in the future

B) the industry of black film would decrease in the future

C) the industry of black film would not receive full scale support

D) the industry of black film is bound to win full scale support

47. It is suggested by the analysts that ___

A) black films can be very successful

B) black films can win prestige, glamour, or celebrity

C) black films are mysterious

D) black films can never be the road to prestige

48. It can be inferred from the passage that ___

A) the black community is wild

B) the black youth may learn from the films and commit crimes

C) the black films reflect the real life of the black

D) the black community is flourishing

49. The word "viability" ( in line 4, para. 4) could best be replaced by ______

A) productivity

B) vitality

C) celebrity

D) prestige

50. This passage mainly discusses ______.

A) the productivity of black films

B) the limitations of black films

C)the myth of American-African

D)the prestige of American-African

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