
www.zige365.com 2013-6-27 17:34:38 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  11. Gaudi was soon rich and famous because _______.

  (A) he was an architect and lived in Spain

  (B) he had no money when he was a young man

  (C) his designs were different from others‘

  (D) his work was to design houses,offices and gardens

  12. To build the church,Gaudi needed __________.

  (A) ten thousand pounds

  (B) a hundred thousand pounds

  (C) one million pounds

  (D) ten million pounds

  13. Gaudi never finished the church because ______.

  (A) it was too big and cost too much

  (B) the bookseller died later

  (C) he had no time to design the rest of it

  (D) he had to design many schools and workshops

  14. How old was Gaudi when he died?

  (A) 26

  (B) 40

  (C) 52

  (D) 74

  15. The best title for this article is ________.

  (A) Gaudia Rich and Famous Architect

  (B) An Architect with Some Success

  (C) Antonio Gaudi and His Church

  (D) How to Design a Big Church

  Questions 16~20

  At the beginning of 1613, about two hundred Polish soldiers arrived at a little Russian village. They lost their way in the thick forest and asked for a man to show them the way to town. But no one wanted to help them.

  "You will have to go through that forest," said an old man. "The road is on the other side." "Show us the way," cried the enemy officer," or we‘ll kill every one in the village!"

  "I‘m old," said the old man. "I may be not able to walk so far."

  But to himself he said, "I‘ll have to show them the way, but if I lead them into the thickest part of the forest, they will die there and I‘ll help to save my country."

  The old man went in front, and two hundred soldiers followed him. For many hours they moved on through the forest.

  "Where is the road?" they cried. "We must be near the road by now."

  "I‘m old," answered the old man. "Perhaps I have lost my way."

  "He wants money and give him some gold," said the soldiers. "But if he doesn‘t show us the way we will kill him."

  "We‘ll soon be on the road now," said the old man when he got the money. "And you will be able to go to the town."

  But the trees closed round them and it became darker and darker though it was still the middle of the day. It was even harder to walk on in the heavy snow.

  "This cannot be the road," the men said to one another, but they could do nothing but follow those in front.

  "So," said the old man when they stopped, "you can neither go farther not turn back. You will be here and you will die here. I will never turn against my country for your gold."

  16. The story happened _________.

  (A) in Russia

  (B) in a city

  (C) in Poland

  (D) in the soldiers‘ hometown

  17. The soldiers couldn‘t get to the town ______________.

  (A) because the old man was too old to walk

  (B) they lost their way in the thick forest

  (C) they killed every one in the village

  (D) they had to go through that forest

  18. At last all the soldiers _____________.

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