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  87.B[分析] 是非题型。


  88.A[分析] 细节题型。

  见文章倒数第三、四句:Whales eat huge quantities of plankton(浮游生物)。 These are most abundant in cold polar waters,所以选项A为答案。也可用排除法:选项B指的是reindeer的习性,选项C文中未提及鲸以幼仔为生,选项 D指的是tropic water,与 polar water相反:所以只有选项A正确。

  89.B[分析] 细节题型。

  文章提及reindeer(第三句),the Alaska fur seal(第六句)和Whales(倒数第五句)所以选项B为答案。

  90.C[分析] 主旨题型。



  81.D[分析] 推断题型。


  82.A[分析] 细节题型。


  83.B[分析] 细节题型。


  84.D[分析] 细节题型。

  见第三句、五句:An example is the caribou,reindeer that graze on the grassy slopes of northern Canada...Their tracks are so well-worn that they are clearly visible from the air.因此答案为D。

  85.B[分析] 是非题型。

  见文章最后一句:In winter,the whales move to warm waters to breed and give birth to their young.因此选项B为答案。

  86.C[分析] 细节题型。

  [注意本题容易选错]从文章Another migrating mammal is the Alaska fur seal These seals breed only in the Pribilot Islands in the Bering Sea. The young are born in June and by September are strong enough to go with their mothers on a journey of over 3,000 miles.Together they swim down the Pacific Coast of North America.The females and young travel as far as southern California.The males do not journey so far,中的划线部分可知,The females and young Alaska fur seal会从the Bering Sea(白令海——北太平洋的一部分)swim down the Pacific Coast of North America直到 southern California;而 The males也会从白令海南下(因为These seals breed only in the Pribilot Islands in the Bering Sea.),只不过他们没有the females and young走的远罢了。因此选项C为答案。

  87.B[分析] 是非题型。


  88.A[分析] 细节题型。

  见文章倒数第三、四句:Whales eat huge quantities of plankton(浮游生物)。 These are most abundant in cold polar waters,所以选项A为答案。也可用排除法:选项B指的是reindeer的习性,选项C文中未提及鲸以幼仔为生,选项 D指的是tropic water,与 polar water相反:所以只有选项A正确。

  89.B[分析] 细节题型。

  文章提及reindeer(第三句),the Alaska fur seal(第六句)和Whales(倒数第五句)所以选项B为答案。

  90.C[分析] 主旨题型。


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