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  91.D[分析] 细节题型。

  见第二段第一句:The convenience and efficiency of electronic mail are threatened by _______ unsolicited commercial electronic mail.从第三段得知unsolicited commercial electronic mail指的是unwanted messages;因此选项D为答案。

  92.B[分析] 是非题型。

  见第三段第一句:The receipt of unsolicited commercial electronic mail may result in costs to recipients who _____,or for the time spent accessing,reviewing,and discarding such mail,or for both.三个划线部分分别是选项A、C、D的内容,因此只有选项B为答案。

  93.B[分析] 细节题型。

  见第三段第二句:The receipt of a large number of unwanted messages also decreases the convenience of electronic mail and creates a risk that wanted electronic mail messages, both commercial and noncommercial,will be lost, overlooked, or discarded amidst…因此选项B为答案。

  94.C[分析] 词义题型。

  本文第三段主要谈及unsolicited commercial electronic mail带来的害处,且根据上下文,pornographic应与or前面的vulgar(粗俗的)近义:因此选项A. decent正派的,有分寸的、B.instructional指导的,教育的,D.commercial商业的,贸易的,均不符合题意,只有选项、 C.sexual(性的)符合题意,是答案。pornographic色情的,色情作品的。

  95.A[分析] 细节题型。

  见第四段第一句:The growth in unsolicited commercial electronic mail imposes significant monetary costs on providers of Internet access services,businesses,and educational and nonprofit institutions that…因此选项A是答案。

  96.B[分析] 词义题型。

  见第四段最后一句:Many senders of unsolicited commercial electronic mail purposefully disguise the source of such mail.根据前面提及的unsolicited commercial electronic mall会带来许多危害,可推断出发送人当然不希望人们知道他们的地址了;因此选项B.hide(隐藏,掩饰)是答案。disguise隐瞒,掩饰:reveal展现,揭示,deliver递送,陈述;post邮递,张贴,揭示。

  97.A[分析] 词义题型。

  从第五段第一句:Many senders of unsolicited commercial electronic mail purposefully include misleading information in the messages' subject lines in order to induce the recipients to view the messages.得知:这些人故意在邮件主题栏中使用一些会误导的信息来_______收件人观看信息,四个选项中A.cheat(欺骗,骗取)用在划线部分最符合题意。选项B(介绍)和C(提供)都不如A的意思恰当。

  98.B[分析] 细节题型。

  第四段第二句是个对比句:While some senders…provide simple and reliable ways for recipients to reject (or‘opt-out’of)receipt of…,other senders provide no such‘opt-out’mechanism…从中得知‘opt-out’应是reject的近义词;而‘opt-out’ mechanism应是前半句中提到的simple and reliable ways for recipients to reject receipt of……;因此选项B最符合题意。

  99.C[分析] 推断题型。

  从第六段得知:发送这些unwanted messages的人利用电脑程序自动从国际互联网站或在线服务来收集大量的e-mail地址……,由此推知:他们会向这些地址发送unwanted messages,目的当然应是发送广告了,因此选项C是答案。

  100.D[分析] 细节题型。


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